Monday, February 29, 2016

Weekly Update - 2/29

Blessings were abundant yesterday as goodbyes were relayed to our Hispanic brothers and sisters.  This was their last Sunday with us.  They move into their new building this week.  We will miss you all!

  • Caleb Keele will be having spinal surgery tomorrow, March 1st.  This is for the curvature in his back (scoliosis ).  He will be in Scottish Rite Hospital/Dallas for 3-7 days and then home for recovery for 3-4 weeks. Please pray for Caleb, his family and the doctors and nurses who will be tending to him. 
  • Roxanne Raper will be having surgery tomorrow, March 1st at Baylor/Dallas.  The plan is for her to come back home on Thursday/Friday. Please keep her and Jerry in your prayers!
  • Stephen and Mandy Gerrald as they travel back and forth to Ethiopia to finalize the adoption of Shepherd.
  • Johnny Bassett - Health
  • Diane McFadden - Has been suffering with the shingles.
  • Joel Casey - continues to be in Stillhouse Rehab.
  • Dee Lyons - Health
  • John Figgins - Cancer treatments
  • Webber Woodall - Will be seeing the headache/migraine specialist this Thursday.
  • Louise Peace - Health
  • Roy Jones - Health
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Jamy Raper - Is at home recovering from surgery. (Jerry and Roxanne Raper's daughter in law)
  • Billy Kees - Recovering from a fall with many broken bones. (Jessica Daniels' great grandfather)
  • Troy Garner - Health (Pete Taylor's friend)
  • Al Clark - Health (Julie Rook's Dad)
  • Joyce Logan - Health (Sister of Wanda McFadden)
  • Jeannine Mason - Cancer (friend of Wanda McFadden)
  • Mike Barbee (friend of Derald Bulls) is in PRMC/ICU on a vent at this time. 
  • Our sympathy is extended to the family of Randy Rader on his passing this past week.
DRIVER NEEDED—If you have a CDL license and are willing to help with an important ministry here at LACOC, please see James Hanley orShane Welch. We are in need of a bus driver for one Sunday morning a month.

March 6th we will celebrate marriage as a reminder of the kind of commitment God talks about. Join us as we celebrate a beautiful gift from God. 

MEN’S BREAKFAST— The Men’s Breakfast tomorrow morning,March 1st at 7:00 AM. 

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrée is Homemade Chicken Pot Pie.  Please donate $3/per person.

PANTRY NEEDS: Soup with meat and shampoo

RAINBOW ROOM NEEDS:  Teen girl clothes and teen girl and boy shoes

March 6:  Celebrate Marriage Sunday 
March 13: Daylight Savings Time 
March 13: Faithful ReadersMarch 20:  Christ/Berry Wedding Shower 
March 25-26:  LTC Convention in Dallas 
March 27: Easter Sunday 
April 3:  Wickes/Rutherford Wedding Shower
April 17: Jones/Weissenmayer Wedding ShowerApril 23: Ladies Day (Speaker Laurie Vanderpool)
May 1: Jones/King Wedding ShowerMay 13-15: Jr. High Retreat @ Camp Deer RunMay 15:  Gage/Bueno Wedding Shower
June 12:  Duren/McClure Wedding Shower
Aug. 9-13:  Pictorial Directory (First Session) 
Aug. 25-27th:  Pictorial Directory (Last Session)

Love you - MEAN IT! 

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