Sunday, February 7, 2016

Weekly Update 2/7

It was great to hear from Brent Nichols regarding the missionary work in Niteroi, Brazil.  God bless you, Jill, Titus and Jack!

BAPTISM:  Judy Moore was baptized this past Monday afternoon.  She is the wife of Joe Moore.

WELCOME NEW MEMBERS:  Dusty and Katie Morris

CONGRATULATIONS to Christopher Hutson who was presented the "JOYFUL SERVANT AWARD" from the Boy Scouts of America.  He was pinned by his Mom, Cynthia Hutson.  Christopher was also honored by having his Scout Master, Mike Taylor and his family in attendance.


  • Joel Casey - Fell Monday evening and had several broken bones.  He's still in PRMC after surgery on Tuesday.  He will be going to Stillhouse Rehab.
  • Daisy Redding - After being in the hospital for the past week, she was released on Friday and was with us today!
  • Barbara Campbell - Health
  • Carl Melton - Is now in Regency Rehab/Clarksville
  • Webber Woodall - Had the first injections in his neck and the first round of physical therapy.
  • Kristi Anthony - Mental and physical health.
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Jerry McClour - Will be going to divorce court tomorrow.  (Joy Barnett's son)
  • Martha McGinty - Fell and broke her hip this week. (Ruth Ann Stallings sister)
  • Bobbie Easterwood - Cancer (friend of Sarah Smith)
  • Daryl Smyers - Was awake and talking yesterday.  (Brother of Debra Gage)
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Sherry Welch's sister, Marka Bennett, is experiencing complications from a surgery she had on January 6th. 
  • Tanya Welch's dad, Ben Wallace, terminal cancer.

YOUNG @ HEART—Mark your calendars forFebruary 29th @ 6:00 PM. If you or your spouse are 60 years young and up then please sign up for a night of fun as we treat you to a "Spaghetti Western" Dinner. To join in the fun, we ask that you sign up at the Welcome Center so we have a head count. Transportation will be provided if needed. Deadline to sign up is February 14th. 

DISHES, DISHES AND MORE DISHES—Please pick up any dishes you may have left from potluck or funeral meals. They are on the coat rack in the outreach building. Our shelves runneth over! 

ADULT RETREAT:  Will be at Jan-Kay Ranch - Cost $83/person.
Begins Friday, Feb 26th at 6pm and concludes on Saturday, Feb. 27th at 1pm. Includes dinner and room Friday night with breakfast and lunch on Saturday at the Buffalo Hotel on the ranch.  Our theme is Unity at Lamar Avenue.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is BBQ Sloppy Joes.  $3/donation per person.

RAINBOW ROOM (AT CASA) ITEMS:  Teen girl clothes & shoes and teen boy shoes.


Feb 14:  Celebrate New Life (Baby Dedication)
Feb 14:  Faithful Readers
Feb 21:  Visitor Luncheon - Life Group #6
Feb 21:  Zach Anthony and Emily Douglas Wedding Shower
Feb 26-27:  Adult Retreat @ Jan Kay Ranch ($83/per person)
Feb 28:  Celebrate Marriage Sunday
Feb 29:  Young @ Heart Dinner
Mar 1: Men's Breakfast 
Mar 13:  Daylight Savings Time
Mar 20:  Emily Christ' Wedding Shower
Mar 25-26: Leadership Training for Christ
Mar 27:  Easter Sunday
April 23:  Ladies Day - Laurie Vanderpool will be our speaker.
May 13-15:  JH Retreat at CDR
Aug 9-13:  Pictorial Directory (First Session)
Aug 25-27:  Pictorial Directory (Last Session)

Love you - MEAN IT!

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