Sunday, April 10, 2016

Weekly Update - 4/10

Thank you Doug Faires for stepping in for the ailing "Preacher Man" this morning!  Patrick we hope you are feeling better!!
Doug spoke to us about our sins and how Jesus died for us!

BAPTISM:  Nick Blount, fiancee of Whitney Shackleford, was baptized by Horace Johnson after services today.  Nick and Whitney are to be married soon.  He is a Paris fire fighter.

RESPONSE:  Kristen Mayes went forward this morning asking for prayers for her and Greg and their daughter Kayla.  Also for their words, thoughts and actions.


  • Patrick Cannon - Health
  • Cherry Walker - Recovering from a stroke.  Is in the hospital in Plano.
  • Loretta Nabors - Will have tests on her back in the morning in Dallas.
  • Sarah Smith - Tests this week.
  • Wanda McFadden - Is now at home recovering from pneumonia.
  • Ann Huffman - Has fallen a couple of times.
  • Diane McFadden - Depression
  • Webber Woodall - Will be having the injections for his migraine this Friday (4/15).
  • John Figgins - Cancer treatments
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Alisha Wilson Stephens' new baby boy, Tyler, is having problems with his lungs.  His grandparents are Phil and Debbie Wilson.
  • Amy Owens - Having severe back pain and has been in the hospital this week. (former member)
  • Haley (Bulls) Smith -  Health issues.  (Derald and Lesa's daughter)
  • Kevan Bennett - Health (friend of Derald Bulls and teacher at North Lamar)
  • Continue to remember the family of Marcia Putnam.  She passed away this past week. (friend of Bulls'.)
  • Also continue to remember the family of Jimmie Goodson.  She passed away earlier this week.  (She was a friend of Dinah Border.)
  • Cissy (Hilliard) Diamond - Cancer (friend of Molly's)
  • Andy Johnson - Is continuing to recover from amputation of leg (teacher at North Lamar)
  • Jerry Langley - Recovering from accident. (former member)
THOMAZUEA, HAITI: Our opportunity to help! Please have your items for Haiti placed in the boxes in foyer no later than April 20th.

SENIOR SUNDAY:  We will be honoring our 2016 graduates and their families with breakfast before class on May 29th. If you would be willing to make a donation toward food or help serve, please see Carol Anderson.

IGLESIA de CHRISTO:  We will be having an Open House and Building Dedication with our Hispanic brethren on May 22nd from 5PM to 7PM. We will worship with them as we praise God in how He has blessed this congregation. Please join us!

MOVIE NIGHT:  We will be showing the movie War Room on Sunday, April 24th @ 5:00PM. Prayer is a powerful weapon and this is an inspiring movie full of faith, hope, and love. This is open to the community so bring your family and a friend to join us. Appropriate for all ages.

LADIES DAY:  Please join us for a great day on Saturday, April 23rd from 9AM to 1:30PM. Laurie Vanderpool, Co-founder of Live Beyond, will be our guest speaker. She is the daughter of Gene & Ruth Ann Stallings. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please sign up at the Bulletin Board or RSVP to the office no later than April 15th.

WEDDING SHOWER honoring Spencer Jones and his bride to be, Ariana Weissenmayer, will be on April 17th from 1:30—3PM. They are registered at WalMart, Target and Bed, Bath & Beyond.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrée is POPPYSEED CHICKEN.  Please donate $3 per person.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Cereal and canned meat.

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Teen girl clothes and bottled water.

April 17th—Visitor Luncheon
April 17th— S. Jones/Weissenmayer Wedding Shower
April 23rd—Ladies Day (Speaker Laurie Vanderpool)
April 24th—Movie Night —-War Room
May 1st—M. Jones / King Wedding Shower
May 3rd—Men’s Breakfast
May 4th—Blood Drive
May 13th-15th—Jr. High Retreat @ Camp Deer Run
May 15th—Gage/Bueno Wedding Shower
May 29th—Iglesia de Christo Open House
May 29th—Senior Sunday
June 12th—Duren/McClure Wedding Shower
Aug. 9th—13th—Pictorial Directory (First Session)
Aug. 25th—27th—Pictorial Directory (Last Session)

Love you - MEAN IT!

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