Sunday, April 3, 2016

Weekly Update 4/3

Thank you Patrick for our message this morning. . .REFUGE.  The text was take from Psalm 46.  This was such a relevant subject because of two reasons.
The LTC kids and coaches brought home so many medals last weekend from LTC. The theme this year was REFUGE.
Also, our building was a refuge for over 1,000 people, who were here to pay their respects for Trooper Jeffrey Nichols.  (There were 30 states represented.)
Pray for more opportunities for our church to be a refuge for everyone.

RESPONSE:  I went forward this morning asking for prayers for me and Webber.  Today is day 126 of a migraine for him. I can't imagine how miserable that is.  He has an appointment in 3 weeks for the botox injections.

  • Casey and Brianna DeLay in the passing of their infant daughter. Harvey and Linda Slawson are the grandparents.
  • Charles Usry also passed away this past week. He is the father of Lloyd Usry, Charlotte Cannon, Sherry Marsters and Donna Mosely.
  • Chris and Sarah Smith and family in the sudden, tragic loss of his brother, Casey.
  • Cherry Walker - Will have bypass surgery at PRMC on Monday morning. 
  • Peggy Dotson - Had test performed  in Dallas this week.
  • Wanda McFadden - Pneumonia
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • John Figgins - Cancer treatments
  • Lance Johnson - Suffers daily with ALS. He started experiencing more complications this week.
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health.
  • Kimberly Daniels' friend, Corey Townsend, is now in PRMC.  Corey is a brain cancer survivor and has had some complications this past week.
  • Amy Owens, a former member, is in Texoma Medical Center with back pain. 
  • Andy Johnson (North Lamar teacher) continues to be in the hospital in Dallas.
  • Jerry Langley (former member) continuing to improve after motorcycle accident and multiple surgeries.
  • Cissy (Hilliard) Diamond - Cancer treatments (friend of Molly's)
  • Pray for the missionaries all over the world.
SENIOR SUNDAY—We will be honoring our 2016 graduates and their families with breakfast before class on May 29th. If you would be willing to make a donation toward food or help serve, please see Carol Anderson.

THOMAZUEA, HAITI—There is a need in Haiti for certain supplies andwe have the opportunity to help! Please pick up a list at the Welcome Center of things needed. Boxes are in the foyer for your donated items. Please do so no later than April 20th. Thank you in advance for helping with this need.

MOVIE NIGHT—We will be showing the movie War Room on Sunday,April 24th. Prayer is a powerful weapon and this is an inspiring movie full of faith, hope, and love. Bring your family and a friend and join us. Appropriate for all ages. 

Please join us for a great day on Saturday, April 23rd from 9AM to 1:30PM. Laurie Vanderpool, Co-founder of Live Beyond, will be our guest speaker. She is the daughter of Gene & Ruth Ann Stallings. Breakfast and lunch will be provided. Please sign up at the Bulletin Board or RSVP to the office no later than April 15th. 
WIN A DOOR PRIZE—If you love to decorate or want to join with a friend who does, then please sign up (at the Bulletin Board) to decorate a table for our upcoming Ladies Day. You choose the "theme" for your table and bring all that is needed to create a centerpiece. White table cloths, plates, and utensils will be provided. This is a competition… may the BEST table WIN!!

FAITHFUL READERSwill meet on April 10th at 3:30PM in room 17. The book to be discussed will be Keeper of the Covenant by Lynn Austin. Carol James will lead the discussion. Reading the book is helpful but not required. Everyone is welcome.

PANTRY ITEMS:  Diapers and Soup

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Teen girl clothes/Teen boy and girl shoes

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrée is MEXICAN STACK-UPS.  Please donate $3 per person.

April 5:  Men's Breakfast
April 5:  Eastern European Mission Event
April 10:  Faithful Readers
April 17:  Visitor Luncheon
April 17: Spencer Jones/Ariana Weissenmayer Wedding Shower
April 23: Ladies Day (Speaker Laurie Vanderpool)

April 24:  Movie Night - "War Room"
May 1: MacKenna Jones/Caleb King Wedding Shower
May 4:  Blood Drive
May 13-15: Jr. High Retreat @ Camp Deer Run
May 15:  D'LynnGage/Bueno Wedding Shower
May 29: Senior Sunday
June 12:  Jessica Duren/Niles McClure Wedding Shower
Aug. 9-13:  Pictorial Directory (First Session)
Aug. 25-27th:  Pictorial Directory (Last Session)

Love you - MEAN IT!


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