Friday, June 10, 2016

Urgent Prayer Request - 6/10

Anne Sanders just posted this message:  "Urgent prayer request for our family. Bill's brother and mom were involved in a bad car accident this morning. Mom has multiple broken bones and isn't expected to make it. Gary (brother) has several broken ribs and a back injury and bad concussion. Mom is 99 and Gary is 68. We are on the road to Abilene now and solicit prayers for our safe travel as well as our kids who will be traveling also. Also we request prayers for God's strength as we deal with this."

UPDATED AT 5:30:  Bill's mom is with his dad an baby brother now.  We rejoice in that.  Her heart just gave up after 99+ years and she was ready to leave this world.  His brother is going to be okay but he has alot of healing  to do physically. He will be admitted to the hospital soon we hope.  Please continue to pray for our family as this next chapter begins.   To God be the glory in all things.

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