Monday, June 6, 2016

Weekly Update - 6/6

Thank you Patrick for the lesson on the "7 I Am Statements of Jesus"!
Yesterday's message, "I Am The Resurrection and the Life" was taken from John 11.

  •  Maggie Kerby - While in Italy, on vacation, she became extremely ill.  They got her back to Dallas to the hospital for surgery on a ruptured appendix.
  • Judy Clark - Is recovering at home from surgery on Thursday.
  • Louie Woodall - Was in the hospital last week - is at home now.
  • Lloyd Usry - Was in the hospital last week - is at home now.
  • Sharon Thielman - Is having some extreme nerve pain issues
  • Butch Mills – Health
  • Autumn Taylor – Had eye surgery on Tuesday at Children’s Medical.  Doing well.
  • Ann Huffman - Health
  • Dianna Welch – Recovering from broken leg.
  • Paul and Carol Helton - Health
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • John Figgins – Cancer
  • Louise Peace - Health
  • Roy Jones - Health
  • Kristi Anthony – Physical and mental health.
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Jeni Randle - Health (Former member)
  • Nora White asked for prayers for her friends, who are all ill; Dana Norman, Ronnie Merritt and Joy Wear.
  • Gene Stallings friend, Harley Stripman, is extremely ill.
  • Aaron Christ – Health (Former member)
  • Diane McFadden's friend, Billie Blackshear, has cancer.
  • Helen Bonham – Cancer  (friend of Anita Roden)
  • Clint and Carol McMillan – She has started radiation treatments.  Clint will be having day surgery this week for skin cancer. (Molly's nephew and niece)
  • Camp Deer Run - Pray for the campers and the counselors!
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Troops

LAMAR AVENUE FLAG MINISTRY:  Would you like to purchase a flag to be displayed on the church grounds during holidays? For a one-time $20 donation, we will display a flag in honor of or in memory of a person of your choosing during the following holidays: Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day thru 9/11 and Veterans Day. The flag pole will have an engraved plate placed on it with the person’s name. If you are interested in purchasing a flag, please fill out a form located at the Welcome Center and turn it in along with $20 to the office no later than June 15th. We hope to have the flags displayed by July 4th so we will need to order no later than June 15th. If you are interested in being on the flag display team, please contact Kim Hanley in the office. We will need several people to install the flag holders and be responsible for flag set-up and take-down each holiday.  

VALET AND PARKING:  They are in need of more volunteers.  You'd only have to volunteer once a month!
YOUNG AT HEART– We are planning another fun night for those 60 and older! On June 14th we will serve a meal at 6PM followed by games of Dominoes, Forty Two, and Chicken Foot. You can also just come to visit and hang out! But BEWARE! There is a rumor we have some serious Chicken Foot Ladies! Sign up at the Welcome Center by this Wednesday, June 8th if you plan to come so we can have a head count for food preparation.

VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL—Blossom church of Christ will be having a VBS, June 5th — June 8th. Tonight 6PM—7:30 and Mon.—Wed. 7PM to 8:30. College church of Christ will also have a one day VBS on June 11th 9AM to 2PM. See bulletin board for more information.

WEDDING SHOWERhonoring Jessica Duren and her fiancé, Niles McClure, will be on June 12th, from 1:30 to 3PM. Selections at Carriage House and Bed, Bath, & Beyond.
FAITHFUL READERSwill be meet on June 12th in Rm 17 @ 3:30PM. Carol James will lead the discussion of the book The Beloved Daughter by Alana Terry. Anyone is welcome to participate.

FOR OUR GRADUATES: Containers will be in the foyer for the next three Sundays if you would like to give our seniors a graduation gift. Our 2016 Graduates are: Mackenzie Beckmon, Averie Campbell, Ross Denman, Asia Garvin, Jacob Jones, Alissa Nutt and Neil Nutt.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT SIMPLE SUPPERS– will look slightly different throughout the summer. Our cooking teams are taking a break! Bring your own dinner and fellowship together before class.
PANTRY NEEDS—A few needed pantry items: jelly, soup, crackers, peanut butter, canned vegetables, cereal, laundry detergent, dish washing detergent, household cleaners, and size 3&4 diapers. Thank you for anything you can help with!!

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Shoes for all ages/Juice boxes

June 7:    No Men's Breakfast this Summer
June 8:    Restore all things with Stephen Gerrald and Clint Spencer
June 12:  Duren/McClure Wedding Shower
June 12:  Faithful Readers
June 14:  YAH - Domino Night
June 15:  Wednesday Night @ Lake Crook
June 13-16:  Camp Deer Run Day Camp
June 22:  Prayer Meeting
June 29:  Work @ Iglesia de Cristo & Visit ShutIns
July 6:    Combined Worship @ Iglesia de Cristo
July 13:  Unity of Believers with Keith Bollman and Clint Gage
July 20:  Guest Speaker
July 27:  Ministry Talk with Doug Faires and friends
Aug. 3:   Blood Drive
Aug 3:  Youth led worship
Aug. 9-13: Pictorial Directory (First Session)
Aug 10:  This Is My Story with Derald Bulls
Aug 24:  Generations with Doug Faires
Aug. 25-27:  Pictorial Directory (Last Session)
Aug 31:  Back To School Bash
Love you - MEAN IT!


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