Friday, July 1, 2016

Weekly Update 7/1

SUNDAY NIGHT’S SERVICE:  We will be setting out 86 flags SUNDAY NIGHT following our devotional time @ 5:00PM. MAKE NOTE OF THE TIME CHANGE!! Stay for an old fashion Ice Cream Social afterward. It would be great if a family member or friend could place the flag you purchased. Let’s make this a family event to honor and celebrate our loved ones!

M.A.G.I. BOXES—We had a great first response to our M.A.G.I. boxes project. You can still get a box TODAY to fill if you missed the sign up. They will be due back by July 24th.
COMMUNITY SERVICE—Meals On Wheels is in urgent need for volunteers to help serve hot nutritious meals to seniors in Lamar, Hopkins, Delta, and Red River County. Join Lamar County Human Resources on July 8, 2016 at Everett Toyota of Paris for a Volunteer Drive and Fundraiser. 10:30 AM to 2PM. Hotdogs, chips & a drink for $5.

RESTORE OUR PLAYGROUND—If you would like to help with our playground restoration, please see Kristen Mayes. This is a great service for a Life Group or families to invest time in. If you would like to donate any funds then please give to the office with Playground in the memo.

DIRECTORY PICTURES—It is time to make your appointment for our church directory pictures. Starting July 10th, we will have a table set up in the foyer for you to schedule your family portrait. You can also schedule on your own from your home computer or your phone. Go to our church website and click on the Life Touch banner. Sign up NOW! If you are busy then you will want to get your appointment scheduled before time slots fill up.

Pantry Needs:  1 lb. bag of pinto beans / Cornbread
Rainbow Room Items:  Summer Clothes (all sizes) / Toddler socks

July 3rd—Flag Display /Ice Cream Social
July 6th—Combined Worship @ Iglesia de Cristo
July 10th—Scheduling for Directory Pictures
July 10th—Faithful Readers
July 17th—Visitor Luncheon
July 26th—Splash Kingdom
Aug. 3rd—Blood Drive
Aug 3rd—Youth led Worship
Aug. 9th—13th—Pictorial Directory
Aug. 21st—Visitor Luncheon
Aug 31st—Back To School Bash

Love you - MEAN IT!

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