Sunday, July 10, 2016

Weekly Update - 7/10

SYMPATHY:  We are heart broken at the loss of our sweet sister Helen Norman, who passed away unexpectedly last Sunday.  Her services were held on Friday.

  • Please keep all first responders in your prayers, especially the Dallas Police Department.
  • Sarah Smith - is in PRMC/Room 568 with a blood clot.
  • Horace Johnson - Recovering from knee surgery
  • Daisy Redding - Health
  • Butch Mills - Health
  • Cynthia Norris - Health
  • Bill Tribbey - Health
  • Webber Woodall - Has appointment with electro-cardiologist and neurologist on Friday.  Will receive another set of Botox injections.  Please pray that they work this time!
  • Roy Jones - Health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Harley & Lucy Staley - Health
  • Louise Peace - Health
  • Renee Crews - (former member) She has been diagnosed with breast cancer again.
  • Carol McMillan - (Molly's niece) Cancer
  • Sarah Gambill - (Anita Roden's friend) Health
  • Harmon Graham - (friend of Dinah Border) Health
  • Bill George - (Susan George's brother in law) Health
  • Derryle Peace -(Derald Bulls' friend at A&M Commerce) Stroke
  • Missionaries all over the world
5th SUNDAY:  On Sunday, July 31st, we will have our 5th Sunday fellowship.  We will be honoring our dear brothers and sisters that have, or will be, reaching the milestone of 90 years young in 2016!  We will have a catered meal, immediately following morning worship, at the cost of $6/per person.  Please make plans to stay, eat and celebrate with us for this event.  SIGN UP NOW or call the office no later than July 24th so meal preparations can be made!

M.A.G.I. BOXES:  You can still pick up a box to fill if you missed the initial sign-up.  They are due back on July 24th.

DIRECTORY PICTURES:  It is time to make your appointment for our church directory pictures. Starting July 10th, we will have a table set up in the foyer for you to schedule your family portrait. You can also schedule on your own from your home computer or your phone. Go to our church website and click on the Life Touch banner. Sign up NOW! If you are busy then you will want to get your appointment scheduled before time slots fill up.

FOR THE KIDSWe have "SMART NOTES" aka….Worship Notes for Kids on the Welcome Center for those with school age kids who want to take notes or draw a picture of the lesson during the sermon. You can find Michelle Anderson and show her your "smart note" each week to get your "smartie" prize!!!

FOR THE FAMILYWe will be taking a group to the new Splash Kingdom, in Greenville, on July 26th. Cost is $20.00 per person and is due no later than July 20th. You can place payment in the drop box of our new Youth Information Center at the end of the foyer hall. All 5th grade and under MUST have an adult chaperone.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  Brown bag it and visit with everyone

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned fruit and canned soup with meat

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Summer clothes (all sizes) and toddler socks

July 17:  Visitor Luncheon
July 17-22:  Youth at Dallas Life
July 26:  Splash Kingdom
July 31:  5th  Sunday Fellowship
Aug:  Blood Drive
Aug 3: Youth led worship
Aug 9-13:  Directory Photos taken
Aug 21:  Visitor Luncheon
Aug 31:  Back to School Bash

Love you - MEAN IT!

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