Monday, August 15, 2016

Prayer Request 8/15

My friend Beverly White sent this message about her Daddy, Eddie Ruthart:  Today we did not get the best of news. While many of Dads cancerous cells have minimized, some have increased.  So, tomorrow he will begin chemotherapy. We are thankful for many things along this journey. Prostate cancer is slow growing, and while it has metastasized to the lymph nodes, spine and some on the liver, there has been much success with containing these cells through chemotherapy. He has certainly been through a lot, but we know God is in control and He will guide and direct our decisions.
The chemo won't be too often and it's mainly to control pain and more growth.
"And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My hope is in You" .. Psalm 39:7
Please remember them in your prayers.

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