Monday, August 22, 2016

Weekly Update - 8/21

RESPONSE:  Felicia Williams asked for prayers for her and her daughter, Danielle, who is mentally and physically challenged.

  • Sherry Welch – Recovering at home from cancer surgery this past week.
  • Sherrie Boyd - Health
  • Autumn Taylor – Recovering from surgery
  • Butch Mills - Health
  • Elizabeth Shew - Health
  • Cherry Walker - Health
  • Julie Rook – Continuing to take cancer treatments.
  • Roy Jones – Has been moved to Birchwood Manor Nursing Home in Cooper.
  • Harley & Lucy Staley - Health
  • Paul & Carol Helton - Health
  • Carl Melton - Health
  • Joel Casey - Health
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • John Figgins - Cancer
  • Louise Peace - Health
  • Kristi Anthony – Mental and physical health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • David Power and Family – His Dad is in grave condition.
  • Mike Grigsby – in PRMC with an infection. (former member)
  • Eddie Ruthart – Cancer (friend of Molly’s)
  • Ricky Harmon – Health (works for Wayne Kerby)
SHOE DRIVE—United Way of Lamar Co is collecting donations of new (or like new) athletic shoes and sneakers to be given to children in need. All sizes needed. New shoes are the #1 requested item from our local school counselors. Shoes can be dropped off in the foyer.  Marie Faulkner will deliver them for us. Deadline is Sunday, August 28th.

DIRECTORY PICTURES will continue August 24th. To sign up, either call the office or schedule on your own from your phone or home computer. Go to and click on the Life Touch banner. If you bring a pantry item to your appointment, you will receive a $5.00 discount on your portrait order.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED to help with the check-in process during our upcoming directory photo shoot, Aug. 24th-27th. See Keith Bollman if you can help.

FAITHFUL READERS—The next meeting will be on September. 11th. You have plenty of time to read the book, All the Way Home, by Ann Tatlock. Linda Vickers will lead the discussion. Everyone is welcome to join!
LADIES BIBLE CLASS—will begin September 7 at 10 o'clock. Our study it's called Living Beyond Yourself. We will be studying the book of Galatians centering on the fruit of the Spirit. We will have a pot luck salad luncheon and all ladies are invited.

Please join us for a Back To School Celebration.
All ages welcome!!!
5:00—6:30 PM—Fun & Games
(Bounce House outside; Indoor games; Crafts.)
5:30—6:15 PM—Hotdogs
6:30—7:00 PM—Devotional in Auditorium
7:00—7:30 PM—Watermelon Feast

PANTRY NEEDS:  Cereal and Shampoo
RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Summer Clothes (all sizes) and toddler socks

SIMPLE SUPPER:  Resumes September 7th
Aug. 24-27:  Pictorial Directory (2nd Session)
Aug. 28: United Way Shoe Drive ends
Aug 31:  Back To School Bash (for all ages!)
Sept. 7:  Ladies Bible class resumes
Sept 7:  Simple Supper Resumes
Sept. 24-25: Youth Retreat @ CDR

Love you - MEAN IT!

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