Sunday, August 7, 2016

Weekly Update - 8/7

Thank you Doug Faires for stepping into the pulpit, while Patrick and family are on vacation. 
Doug talked about "Christian Chemistry" and how important it is to be a PART of our church and each others lives.

  • Sherri Boyd - Will have a heart cath on Tuesday morning. 
  • Butch Mills - Is at home recovering from pneumonia.
  • Lance Johnson - ALS  PRMC/Room 326 acute-care.  Visits are welcome! He will be there 7-14 days.
  • Sherry Welch - Cancer - scheduled for surgery on Aug. 17th.
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Julie Rook - Recovering from cancer surgery
  • Horace Johnson - Recovering from surgery
  • Harley and Lucy Staley - Health
  • Roy Jones - Health
  • Carl Melton - Health
  • Joel Casey - Health
  • Louise Peace - Health
  • Kristi Anthony - Mental and physical health.
  • Ricky Harmon - Is feeling better. (Works for Wayne Kerby.)
  • Suzie Roden - Had open heart surgery and now in rehab. (Marcus Roden's sister)
  • Irene Nichols - Is in Heritage House in have condition.  (Pat Bestel's Mom)
  • Susan George's brother-in-law, Bill George, received his liver transplant this week and is doing well.
  • Carol McMillan - Cancer - Molly's niece.
  • Missionaries all over the world
  • All First Responders
DIRECTORY PICTURES - This begins this Tuesday night.  Have you signed up???  There are still spots available.  Either call the church office (903-784-0387) or you can schedule your own from your phone or home computer.  Go to our church website and click on the Life Touch banner. If you bring a pantry item to your appointment, you will receive a $5.00 discount on your portrait order.
They are also needing volunteers to help with the check-in process during these sessions.  If you can help, please see Keith Bollman...if you can help at all!!!  Aug 9-13th or Aug 25-27.

TEACHER'S APPRECIATION LUNCHEON - We will have our annual Teacher’s Appreciation Luncheon on Tuesday, August 16th. There are plans to serve 400-500 teachers. If you can help serve at this, on that day, please see Kim Hanley. If you can bring a dessert, please sign up at the Welcome Center.

PANTRY NEEDS - THANK YOU to those who have brought food to restock the pantry!  Please continue to help with this ministry. Here is a list of suggested food items: peanut butter, jelly, cereal, soup, spaghetti sauce, canned vegetables, crackers, macaroni & cheese, canned meat, canned fruit. Other items needed are: toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant and shampoo.
PANTRY NEEDS:  Soup with meat and cereal
RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Summer clothes (all sizes) / Toddler socks
Aug 9-13 - Pictorial Directory (1st Session)
Aug 14 - Apples of Gold Sign-up
Aug 16 - Teacher's Appreciation Luncheon
Aug 21 - Visitor Luncheon
Aug 25-27 - Pictorial Directory (2nd Session)
Aug 31 - Back To School Bash
Sept 11- Faithful Readers
Sept 24-25 - Youth Retreat at Camp Deer Run

Love you - MEAN IT!

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