Sunday, September 18, 2016

Prayer Requests 9/18

  • Horace Johnson will be going to Southwestern Medical Center, this week, for further testing.
  • Webber Woodall will be having surgery Tuesday morning, at Baylor/Roberts Bldg. This will be to repair the hernia he's had for years. 
  • Jenny Trout (friend of Linda Erwin) has been diagnosed with cancerous tumors on her spine. Prayers that God will heal her and let her live to enjoy her family for many more years. 
  • My friend Stephanie Corley and her 2 year old son Liam were in a major car accident this afternoon in Deport. Stephanie had bumps and bruises. Liam slept through the whole thing!  The other driver was was not so lucky.  He was CareFlighted out with extensive injuries. 

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