Sunday, September 11, 2016

Weekly Update - 9/11

  • Donna Mosley:  Health
  • Sherrie Boyd:  Health
  • Alby Gail Clark:  Recovering from surgery.
  • Webber Woodall:  Will be seeing a surgeon in Dallas this Wednesday.
  • John Figgins:  Taking cancer treatments.
  • Kristi Anthony:  Prayers for her mental and physical health.
  • Lance Johnson:  ALS
  • Tommy Gantt:  Had cancer surgery last week.  They removed one of his lungs and part of his ribs. I talked to his wife, earlier this week, and she told me that he’s had a few set-backs.
  • Jason and Erica Vickers: Their daughter, Erin Rose, was born with many serious health issues.  They have decided not to do surgery.  She has been released from the hospital and sent home with hospice.
  • Willard Brockinton:  Lesa Bulls’ dad is having many health issues.
  • Sandra Graves:  Friend of Lesa Bulls.  She has liver cancer and it has gone into her bones.
LIFE GROUPSMany of our groups took a summer break and met for the first time today. Most groups meet every 1st and 3rd Sunday for a meal, fellowship, devotional time, and/or service projects in the community. If you are not a part of any Life Group please see Doug Faires. Life Group Leaders, please let the office know when you meet and how many attend each time. Thank you!

DIVORCE CAREa weekly divorce support group will begin meeting tomorrow night (Monday, Sept. 12th) @ 7PM @ LACOC. Find help. Discover hope. Experience healing. Please spread the word to the community that this class is being offered.

WEDDING SHOWERfor Alissa Nutt on Sept. 25th from 1:30—3PM @ LACOC. Selections at Walmart.

GOSPEL MEETINGThe Pattonville Church of Christ will be hosting a gospel meeting and fellowship on Saturday, Sept. 17th @ 9:00AM. The speaker will be Brother Elangwe Gregory from Wotutu, Cameroon. He is the minister of the Wotutu Church of Christ and director of the Bear Valley Bible Institute in Cameroon- Wotutu. He will share a message from the Word and then share a message about his work. Lunch will be provided.

SIMPLE SUPPERS have begun!!! DON’T FORGET TO SIGN UP ON YOUR ATTENDANCE CARDS if you plan to eat. You can also call the office IF you call no later than Monday at noon. We have some pretty awesome teams that head up each week and need time to shop and prepare the meal for the week. If you enjoy cooking with a team and serving with a smile then we can use you! One of our teams is looking for a new leader to take charge. If you are interested in helping in any way, please see Kyle Jones.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Cereal and deodorant

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Shoes of all sizes and backpacks

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks’entrée is Chicken Spaghetti.  Please donate $3/per person. 

Sept. 12th:  Divorce Care Support Group begins
Sept. 24th-25th: Youth Retreat @ CDR
Sept. 25th: Wedding Shower for Alissa Nutt
Oct 8th: Young at Heart Night
Oct 30th: 5th Sunday Fellowship and Lunch
Nov 2nd: Blood Drive

Love you – MEAN IT!

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