Monday, October 31, 2016

Weekly Update - 10/31

RESPONSE:  Felicia Williams asked that we pray for her and her daughter, Danielle.  Specific prayers for spiritual and financial blessings.


  • Lesa Clarkson - the passing of her husband Randy.
  • Anna Zant - the passing of her dad, Joe Mashburn.
  • Barbara Richards - the passing of her mom, Dorothy Holt.
  • Phillip Rolen, a missionary in Cambodia, was found dead Sunday morning. His family lives in Cuthand.


  • Naomi Bassett fell in Johnny's room last week.  She was admitted to the hospital and is in PRMC/Room 412.  She fractured her hip and will be having some rehab and be on a walker for a while.
  • Johnny Bassett has been moved back to the nursing home.
  • Susan George's friend, Billy Huff, has been fighting West Nile for the last few months.  He is now in PRMC with blood clots in his lungs and legs.
  • Horace Johnson - Cancer
  • Webber Woodall - Has another  appointment with the surgeon on Wednesday.
  • Pete Taylor is still recovering from an infection.
  • Sherrie Boyd - Health issues
  • Sarah Smith - 
  • Wanda McFadden - 
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Aubrey Erwin is the granddaughter of Mike and Linda Erwin.  She was released from the hospital and is home now.
  • Sierra Faulkner, 2 year old daughter of Dakota and Kaylee Faulkner, was CareFlighted to Children's Hospital with a tumor on her brain.  Kaylee works with us at First Federal.  (So far they know it is a 4 cm tumor wrapping around her optic nerve and near her pituitary gland.)

HELP NEEDED:  Veteran's Day is coming up on November 11th.  We need help putting out our flags.  If you can help, please meet at the Elder's Conference Room on Wednesday, Nov 9th at 4:45pm.

FAMILY RETREAT:  Our annual church weekend together, at Beaver's Bend, is quickly approaching!  Mark your calendars now and make plans to come for the weekend, or just for the day on Saturday.  Everyone is welcome to come enjoy being surrounded by God's beauty and His people.  Sign up at the Welcome Center.  Kyle Jones can answer any questions you may have.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Cornbread mix, Toilet paper and deodorant for men or women.

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Jeans and tennis shoes of all sizes.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entree is Chicken Pot Pie.  Please donate $3 per person.

Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat
Nov 1:  Men's Breakfast
Nov 1: Divorce Care meeting
Nov 2:  Blood Drive
Nov 6:  Daylight Savings Time Ends
Nov 11-13:  Family Retreat at Beaver's Bend
Nov 22:  Thanksgiving Praise and Worship
Dec 10:  Young @ Heart trip to Greenville
Dec 11:  Christmas Talent Show
Jan 13-15: Winterfest (High School only)

Love you - MEAN IT!

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