Sunday, October 9, 2016

Weekly Update - 10/9

Our sympathy goes to Tanya Welch in the passing of her grandmother, Ella Wallace.  Her funeral service will be Monday morning.

  • Susan George:  Had gall bladder surgery at PRMC on Thursday.  She was back at church this morning.
  • Herschel McClain:  Had pacemaker surgery on Thursday in Dallas.  At home recovering now.
  • Lesa Clarkson's husband Randy has been diagnosed with cancer.  He is in PRMC/458.
  • John Cannon:  Recovering from emergency back surgery.
  • Mike Grigsby: Continues to be in PRMC/ICU.
  • Webber Woodall:  Recovering at home from hernia surgery. 
  • Horace Johnson: Cancer
  • John Figgins:  Health
  • Kristi Anthony:  Prayers for her mental and physical health.
  • Lance Johnson:  ALS
  • Stacy Prestridge asked that we pray for her cousin, Bryan Fennell, he is the son of Robert and Vickie Fennell (live out in Caviness).  Bryan has been diagnosed with leukemia.  
  • Linda Erwin's friend Jenny Trout got a good report from tests that the tumors on her spine are not cancerous.  Having more tests run.
BACKPACK PROJECT:  Anyone that signed up to fill a backpack for a child at the Children’s Advocacy Center please have those turned into the church office no later than October 23rd so that they can be delivered. Thank you for all that you do to help children in need.

FAMILY RETREAT:  Please mark Nov 11th-13th on your calendars for the Family Retreat!  This is the annual church family weekend together Beaver's Bend.  Make plans to come for the weekend or just for the day on Saturday.  Everyone is welcome to come enjoy being surrounded by God's beauty and His people.  Sign ups coming soon!

TRUNK OR TREAT:  We will be hosting our annual Trunk or Treat on Monday, Oct. 31st.  It's time to have fun dressing up and hosting a trunk.  Sign up at the Welcome Center if you can help with this.  We usually have over a thousand people come to this event every year.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Individual packaged toothbrushes/toothpaste and household items.

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Jeans and tennis shoes of all sizes.

  This weeks’entrée is Southwest Taco Pot Pie.  Please donate $3/per person.

Oct 10:  Divorce Care Meeting
Oct 16:  Visitor Luncheon
Oct 30:  5th Sunday Fellowship and Lunch
Oct 31:  Trunk or Treat
Nov 2:   Blood Drive
Nov 11-13: Family Retreat @ Beaver's Bend
Jan 13-15: Winterfest (High School Only)
Love you - MEAN IT!

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