Sunday, November 20, 2016

Weekly Update - 11/18

THANK YOU to Keith Bollman for stepping into the pulpit, this morning, and speaking to us about "Patience".
Patrick was out sick this morning with laryngitis.  Get well soon Preacher Man!

OUR SYMPATHY.... Our dear sister and friend, Evelyn Perry, passed away this past week at her home. Please keep her family and all her Chickenfoot ladies in your prayers.


  • Joel Casey - In PRMC with blood clot.
  • Sherry Welch - Health
  • Charlotte Cannon - Has been dismissed from the hospital. She's staying with Sherry Marsters for recovery.
  • Naomi Bassett - In PRMC for rehab.
  • Johnny Bassett - Health
  • Butch Mills - In PRMC with breathing issues.
  • Horace Johnson - Cancer
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Sherrie Boyd - Health
  • John Figgins - Cancer
  • Kristi Anthony - For mental and physical health.
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Sierra Faulkner - 2 year with a brain tumor - in Children's Medical.
  • Mr. Pitts - friend of Jon and Trinia Dean.  Had open heart surgery recently and is still not doing well.
 OFFICE WILL BE CLOSED:  The church office will be closed on November 23rd25th for the Thanksgiving holiday. There will be no bulletin next week!

SIMPLE SUPPER:  There will be NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT MEAL THIS WEEK but the meal for NEXT Wednesday, November 30th will be Frito chili pie. Please sign up on your attendance card today if you plan to eat.

LOST & FOUND:  A ring was turned into the office that was found in the parking lot. If you have lost a ring or know of it, please call the office and describe it.

YOUNG @ HEART:  We still have a few tickets left for the December 10th Christmas Show of Vocal Majority. Please sign up at the bulletin board outside room 6 and pay in the office by November 23rd. After this date the tickets will be open for other church family to purchase and join us.

SAVE THE DATE....for our annual Christmas Party. Make plans now to join us @ Aiken Elementary on Sunday, Dec. 11th @ 5:00PM for food, music, fun and fellowship with one another!!

CHRISTIANS IN looking for volunteers and/or donations for it’s annual holiday luncheon to be served on November 22nd @ 11:00AM at Market Square (400 1st St. SW). This event offers families and individuals who might not otherwise be able to have a traditional Thanksgiving lunch a chance to gather with others in the community and share a meal. A hot meal isn’t all that is needed but there will also be a Warmth Table offering hats, scarves, gloves and blankets. If you can donate any of these items or volunteer to help set up, clean up, serve or visit please text Melissa Wickersham at 903-366-2207. She teaches and will contact you back ASAP if you leave a message.

THANKSGIVING PRAISE AND WORSHIP:  We will have a time of praise and worship on Tuesday, November 22nd, reminding us of all that we have to be thankful for. Please plan to bring your family and out of town guests as we fellowship together. This is in place of Wednesday night classes! Everyone will come together in the auditorium at 6:30PM. No meal will be served!

ANNUAL HOLIDAY CHRISTMAS BASKETS:  Clint and Misty Gage will be leading our Christmas Food Basket Program this year. The food list forms, nomination forms for needy families, and volunteer forms for those of us who can help by purchasing and/or delivering the baskets are located at the Welcome Center. Deadline for nomination forms is Wednesday, December 7th. We will deliver the baskets Sunday, December 11th @ 2:30PM. The baskets for our Benevolence Ministry will be distributed on Monday, December 12th. Grab your kids/grandkids and get involved in something good for the community!

PANTRY NEEDS:  1 pound bags of beans or rice - Cornbread - Diapers

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Jeans and tennis shoes of all sizes

Nov 22:  Thanksgiving Praise and Worship
Nov 23-25:  Office Closed
Dec 3:  KFC/Youth and Family Tailgate Party
Dec 6:  Preschool Rudolph Party
Dec 10:  Young @ Heart Trip
Dec 11:  Delivery of Food Baskets
Dec 11:  Annual Christmas Party
Jan 13-15:  WinterFest (High School Only)

Love you - MEAN IT!

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