Sunday, November 6, 2016

Weekly Update - 11/6

OUR SYMPATHY:  Tim Keele's step-dad was found dead at his hunting cabin on Thursday.  No details are known on his services at this time.

CONGRATULATIONS—to Shannon and Kristen Boyd on the birth of their little girl, Ellington Kate, on 11/2/16. She weighed 7.8 lbs and was 19 inches long. Sherrie and Alan Boyd are the very proud grandparents!

  • Naomi Bassett - Has been moved to PRMC/Room 305 and has started therapy.
  • Wanda McFadden - Has been released from the hospital and is home.
  • Johnny Bassett - Health
  • Pete Taylor - Health
  • Sherrie Boyd - Health
  • Horace Johnson - Health
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and Mental Health
  • Sierra Faulkner - She was diagnosed with a brain tumor, this past week.  She's in Children's Medical/Dallas.  Sierra started chemo on Thursday night.  Her mom Kaylee Faulkner works at First Federal.
  • Mr. Pitts - friend of Jon and Trinia Dean.  He had open heart surgery on Tuesday and is still not doing well.
HELP NEEDED—Your help is needed in putting out our flags!!! Veteran’s Day is coming up NEXT week on November 11th. If you can help, please meet just outside the Elder’s Conference Room on Wednesday, Nov. 9th @ 4:45PM. It is indeed a beautiful sight to see so many flags proudly displayed on our front lawn! Thanks in advance to those that make this happen.

YOUNG @ HEART—will be taking a trip to Greenville on December 10th to hear the 2016 Christmas Show of Vocal Majority. (a men’s chorus group) Cost is $27.00 per person. You can pay Kim at the office. Mark your calendars now! Sign up sheet is on the bulletin board by Room 6. SIGN UP TODAY! We still have a few tickets left — space is limited.

FAMILY RETREAT - Nov 11-13:  This is our annual church family weekend together at Beaver’s Bend State Park. Mark your calendars now and make plans to come for the weekend or just for the day on Saturday. Everyone is welcome to come enjoy being surrounded by God’s beauty and His people. SIGN UP TODAY at the Welcome Center. Kyle Jones can answer any questions you might have.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrée is Poppyseed Chicken.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Dish soap, Deodorant, Spaghetti Sauce

RAINBOW ROOM NEEDS:  Jeans and tennis shoes of all sizes

Nov 7:  Divorce Care Meeting
Nov 11-13:  Family Retreat at Beaver's Bend
Nov 13:  Faithful Readers
Nov 22: Thanksgiving Praise and Worship
Dec 10:  Young at Heart Trip
Dec 11:  Christmas Talent Show
Jan 13-15:  High School Winterfest

Love you - MEAN IT!

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