Sunday, December 11, 2016

Prayer Request 12/11

Former member, Tammy Huffman Beazley posted this update tonight....
"It has been a crazy 6 days. I came into TMC ER on Tuesday night because of some abdominal pain. Thinking that I'm just not eating right and this is causing me grief. A CT scan then revealed spots on my colon and liver so they admitted me and the process began. I had a colonoscopy on Thursday, liver biopsy on Friday  and here I am awaiting surgery tomorrow morning for colon cancer. Process should be text book and we will be following the MD ANDERSON colon cancer program via Dr. Alex Eshan at Texoma Oncology. Sounds like a plan!"

Angie Duren received this message from Tammy with an update: 
"I will have surgery on Mon. to remove about a foot of colon for colon cancer, about 3 weeks recovery time then they will put in a port sometime after that. Recover 3 wks then start treatment process every 2 wks for 6 months. Oncologist said during the treatment process I should be able to work, the treatments will be a fanny pack that I wear home and return after 48 hours. Dr expecting to put this into remission within 6 months."

PLEASE keep Tammy in you're prayers.

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