Monday, December 5, 2016

Prayer Requests - 12/5

Please keep the following people on your prayer lists:

  • Butch Mills - recovering from surgery yesterday.
  • Sue Johnson - as she continues the passing of Horace.
  • Laura Slagle - is having seizures. (John McGee's sister)
  • Hutchings Family - Family issues (Donna McGee's sister)
  • Doug and Karen Cato - New granddaughter born last week to Phillip and Shana Cato.
  • Kelci Welch - Will be graduating next week from college. 
  • Troops - Keep them safe
  • Emergency Personnel - Keep them safe
  • Students retaking the state mandated tests today.
  • Sierra Faulkner - 2 year old with inoperable brain tumor. (Friend of Molly's)
  • Marka Bennett - Health issues (Sherry Welch's sister)
  • Carson Jones - 14 year old student at North Lamar. Had a lung transplant 3 years ago.  His body rejected the lungs and he passed away over the weekend.

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