Friday, December 2, 2016

Weekly Update - 12/2

  • *Please continue to remember Sue Johnson and Lance Johnson on the passing of a faithful husband, father, friend and mentor, Horace Johnson.
  • *Jean Anthony's niece, Linda Francis, passed away after a long battle with cancer.
  • *Katie Morris's grandmother, Bert Turner passed away this week.
  • Webber Woodall - Is home from a hospital stay at Baylor this week. 
  • Joel Casey - At Stillhouse for rehab.
  • Charlotte Cannon - Is staying with Sherry Marsters while she is recovering.
  • Naomi Bassett - At Stillhouse for rehab.
  • Johnny Bassett - Health
  • Butch Mills - Is in DuBois recovering.
  • Donna Mosely - Health
  • Sherrie Boyd - Health
  • John Figgins - Cancer
  • Kristi Anthony - For mental and physical health.
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Mike Grigsby - Is in PRMC.
  • Sierra Faulkner - 2 year with a brain tumor - in Children's Medical.
  • Gatz Nottingham - Cancer
  • Missionaries all over the world.
HOLIDAY CHRISTMAS BASKETS:  Clint and Misty Gage are leading our Christmas Food Basket Program this year. The food list forms, nomination forms for needy families, and volunteer forms for those of us who can help by purchasing and/or delivering the baskets are located at the Welcome Center. Deadline for nomination forms is Wednesday, December 7th. We will deliver the baskets Sunday, December 11th @ 2:30PM. The baskets for our Benevolence Ministry will be distributed on Monday, December 12th. Grab your kids/grandkids and get involved in something good for the community!
FAITHFUL READERS—will be having their annual Christmas Tea Party @ the home of Carol James on Dec. 11th @ 3:00 PM. Bring finger-foods and a new or pre-read book to exchange.
ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY:  Please join us @ Aiken Elementary on Sunday, Dec. 11th @ 5:00PM for food, music, & fun! Meal served will be hotdogs or hamburgers and all the fixin’s. Cost for meal will be $5.00 per plate. SIGN UP SUNDAY! Also if you can bring a dessert, please sign up to do that as well. Thank you! If you have a talent you would like to share then please see either Patrick Cannon or Kyle Jones.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  Beans and Cornbread
PANTRY NEEDS:  Mac-n-cheese, Pasta Sauce, Grape Jelly, Soup
RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Jeans and tennis shoes of all sizes
Dec   6:  Men's Breakfast
Dec   6:  Preschool Rudolph Party
Dec   7:  Deadline for food basket nominations
Dec 10:  Young @ Heart Trip
Dec 11:  Delivery of Food Baskets
Dec 11:  Faithful Readers Christmas Party
Dec 11:  Annual Christmas Party @Aiken Elementary
Dec 22:  Christians in Action Lunch
Jan 13-15:  WinterFest (High School Only)
Love you - MEAN IT!

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