Friday, January 6, 2017

Weekly Update 1/6/17

  • Linda Erwin had surgery in Dallas on Friday.
  • Jay Cannon was to return to the doctor in Dallas on Friday for more testing.
  • Joel McGee is having ongoing heart procedures.
  • Selena and Sophia Johnson as they begin their journey in California for the next 6 months.
  • Sarah Smith has been in PRMC with breathing problems.
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Sherrie Boyd - Health
  • Kristie Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Troops - Keep them safe
  • Emergency Personnel - Keep them safe
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Sierra Faulkner - 2 year old with inoperable brain tumor. (Friend of Molly's)
  • Tammy Huffman-Beazley (former member) has been diagnosed with cancer has started treatments.
  • Ross Floyd, step-son of Kathy Roden Floyd and son of Randy. At UTSWMC in ICU in serious condition.
  • Debbie Daniel (friend of Molly's) - Cancer
  • Brad and Kendall Hattenville are brothers and are from Roxton.  They have hereditary kidney problems, which they have been battling their entire lives. Brad received a kidney transplant about two years ago but may be having rejection issues. Kendall is in serious condition with kidney and lung problems and needs both organ transplants.
  • Barbara Dean's brother inlaw, Gary LeFlore, fell yesterday and broke his hip. He is having surgery today.  He has dementia and the family is asking for prayers from this church family.
  • Kimrie Dean will be seeing a neuro oncologist and neurosurgeon on Tuesday morning. She a d her family could use some prayers. (Molly's friend)
Butch Mills, Johnny Bassett, Carol Murphy, Roy Jones, Paul & Carol Helton, Carl Melton, Joel Casey and Louise Peace.
HELP NEEDED—If you are willing to learn and can cover the responsibility of the Power Point on the first Sunday of every month, please see Kim Hanley. She says, "Anyone can handle this. It's a matter of pushing a button!"

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY– Please prayerfully consider whether you can help at the Paris Pregnancy Care Center. There are several opportunities: volunteer, be a prayer partner, donate baby & maternity items, donate funds, serve, be a church liaison. For more information, please see brochure at the Welcome Center.

AREA WIDE WORSHIP:  It’s always good to get together with friends and family from other congregations in town. College Church of Christ will be hosting our Annual Area-Wide Worship Service this year and has invited us to join them on Sunday, January 15th @ 5:00PM to worship together as one body. Speaker will be Brandon Watson, who will bring a lesson from Eccl. 12:13—14, "My Purpose in Life." They will also be hosting an Area-Wide Youth Devotional following worship service.

2016 BENEVOLENCE REPORT:  In 2016 the benevolence team provided assistance on the 2nd & 4th Mondays of each month from 1:00 to 3:00PM. Assistance was provided to 365 families on 504 occasions. Financial assistance provided for various needs was $18,931.54. Other assistance provided included church members donations to the food pantry. Gasoline vouchers were also made available for out of town medical purposes. In addition, 92 food baskets were provided to needy families at Christmas time. Those assisting on the Monday benevolence ministry team during 2016 included: Sandra Carrell, Charolette Bollman, Jimmy & Marie Faulkner, Kim Hanley, Peggy Jack, Tanya Welch, Dannie Weeks, Don Lawrence and Richard Peace. Clint & Misty Gage coordinated the Christmas food basket distribution.

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS: Jeans for school aged kids and Lice kit treatments
SIMPLE SUPPER:  Chicken Strips
Jan 11: Ladies Morning Bible Class resumes
Jan 13-15:  Winterfest (high school only)
Jan 15: Annual Area-Wide Worship @ College Church of Christ
Jan 29:  5th Sunday Fellowship
Feb 15:  Blood Drive
Love you - MEAN IT!!

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