Thursday, February 2, 2017

Update on Maverick Morris - 2/2

Dusty Morris wrote this update about his wife and son:   Mav and Katie both had very restful nights of recovery. I'm really glad to see Katie resting peacefully after such a tough couple of days. She's my hero, and much stronger than I will ever be.
Mav has been doing really well in the NICU, using a C-Pap to help the muscles in his tiny lungs work well. He had his first itsy bits morsel of food today and has been reacting well to being on the outside in general. Today is a good day that we will enjoy, remember, and cherish on his long, bumpy road that ends with us taking our boy home.
The power of prayer has been on full display the past few days, and I am convinced of the necessity of continued prayers. Please keep praying for both of my babies.

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