Monday, April 3, 2017


We got word from Dusty and Katie that Maverick is coming home today!
For anyone who can, we are going to go to their house to welcome them home. They are excited to celebrate his homecoming with the people who have been praying so hard for them. Since Maverick is still so tiny, we need to be super careful to avoid exposing him to germs. So we will not be going into the house, and nobody needs to get very close to Maverick. (If you have been sick or been around anyone who has, ...
you should probably just wave from across the street :)
We are just planning to briefly welcome them and pray over them, and then disappear so they can get settled.
They are waiting for the doctor to make his rounds to officially discharge him, and they will need to feed him one more time, then they will be on their way. So the earliest they would be in Paris is 4:00 or 4:30, but it may very well be even later than that. I will post again when we have a better ETA. Their address is 3825 Castlegate, near Walmart.

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