Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Update on David Welch - 4/18

Sherry Welch posted this update:  David is stable and awaiting test results for a concensus among the doctors (neurologist, cardiologist, and others I can't even remember) to determine treatment. They are looking at some rehab time, but he is able to walk with minimal assistance. His main issue is that he cannot open his right eyelid. When they hold it open he can see, but he just can't open it on his own. That would be addressed by OT. The CT indicated stroke, but the MRI did not confirm "a" stroke but many mini strokes over time, caused by too high a level of cumadin. However, the doctor said had his cumadin level not been so high, this event would have been much worse. Thank you to everyone who has been praying for him, and please continue. I will post any new info as it happens.

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