Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Update on David & Sherry Welch - 5/30

  • David is the star rehab pupil and should be released next week (Wednesday or Friday, depending on what the insurance company allows). He may have to have some home-health visits, but maybe not. It is this wife's hope that he can return to his job ASAP.
  • As for Sherry, the little man who was inside my eyeball, stabbing with much enthusiasm, has gone on to some other endeavor. My eye, even though damaged beyond being useful for vision, is healthy and healing. The big E is history, but I can see shapes, darks and lights, colors, and extremely huge objects (like trains and 18 wheelers) (yes, I still drive just like many other one-eyed people). I am thankful to have my left eye, such as it is. Some of you know I was scheduled to have surgery on the left eye this summer. I may put that off for a while now. I'll discuss that with Dr. Lu when I go back next Monday for my second follow-up. While I went into these two surgeries without any qualms, I am all about qualm when considering my only source of vision, that being my left eye. I thank God that both eyes are healthy and not affected by diabetic retinopathy or any other varmints. Many years ago I told Dr. Hunt I just wanted to be able to wake up and see without groping for glasses first thing. He sweetly patted me on the shoulder and told me "I'm afraid you will have to wait for heaven for that." I've been visually challenged my entire life. I'm not sure I can handle the millions of colors and white light that will be visible in heaven!!! (But willing to bet that God will provide there as well as here!)

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