Saturday, July 15, 2017

He's Here....

Widlord and Karen Thomas are thankful for the arrival of Widlord David Thomas, on Friday night at 10:49pm! He weighed 5lbs 10 oz. & is 20 inches long.
Karen posted this explanation earlier today...  
"Have you heard the saying, "If you want to make God laugh then tell him your plans"? Well God must've been laughing, because I planned for a natural birth in a birthing center. No hospital, no Drs and no interventions. Well that didn't happen, I got sent to the hospital with dangerously high blood pressure and was instantly put on meds to prevent a seizure. After being in the hospital a whole day, and put on so many meds, having my water broken, having dangerously high and low blood pressures, I am so grateful to be ok overall. Widlord and I were worried but kept praying, all in all our baby boy had his umbilical cord wrapped around his neck twice and through God's grace had not to decended any further. Widlord David Thomas was born last night via a last minute cesarean and his daddy and I are both in shock but in love with this little man."

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