Sunday, July 23, 2017

Weekly Update - 7/23

Thank you John Cannon for another good lesson today, using the book of Joshua for our text.

Thank you to the Youth Group and sponsors who traveled to Boles Home this past week!  They did jobs such as mowing, laying tile, power washing buildings, demolishing a bathroom and rebuilding it, and cleaning unoccupied duplexes to get them ready for new residents.  The kids worked very hard and served in many different ways that make a big difference. 

  • Charles Richards was admitted to PRMC on Friday.  They are running tests on his legs,  to find the cause of them not working. 
  • Cynthia Hutson had shoulder surgery on Wednesday afternoon at PRMC.
  • Lynn Buchanan had surgery on Monday and was released to go home and with us today.  
  • Sarah Smith - was back with us today! 
  • Gail Clark has some serious health issues.
  • Jean King has 2 more fractures in her back. She has been to see Dr. Russell in Tyler
  • Loretta Nabors - Back issues
  • Mike Grigsby - it was so good to see Mike and Kathy back at church today! 
  • Lucy Offutt - She is experiencing back issues. She has 3bulging discs, a pinched nerve and a fractured disc. 
  • John Figgins - Health
  • Sherrie Boyd - Health
  • Anita Roden - Health 
  • Webber Woodall - Will be having stress/echo testing on Monday and Thursday this week.
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health 
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Troops - Keep them safe
  • Elderly - Prayers for their safety and health.
  • Emergency Personnel - Keep them safe
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Former member, Bailey Gillie, will be having surgery on Aug 8th to place a shunt in her brain. 
  • Kristi Taylor's mom, Tracy Martinez, is in PRMC after having gallbladder surgery.
  • Joe DeNoon, was in Lubbock this week for an angiogram.  His health is not good. (Tanya Welch's step-dad).
  • Sandy Welch (Kristi Anthony's Mom) - Health
  • Dr. Robert Zimmerman (friend of Derald Bulls) - Cancer.
  • Matt Welch, youngest brother of Kristi Anthony, has been told that he needs a liver transplant.
  • Allyson Fasken (teacher at PISD) Cancer.
  • Janet Fouse - (former member) Cancer.
  • Joyce Fouse - Cancer 
  • Jim Bo Thompson - (friend of Glen Barnett) recovering from surgery.
  • Sierra Faulkner - 3 year old with cancer. (Friend of Molly's)
  • Jerry Savage cancer has returned and is aggressive. He is a preacher in Sulphur Springs.
  • Tammy Huffman Beazley - (former member) Cancer
  • Debbie Daniel (friend of Molly's) - Cancer
Butch Mills, Johnny Bassett, Carol Murphy, Johnny Houser, Roy Jones, Paul and Carol Helton, Sarah Smith, Sarah Dene Goree, Donna Mosley, Peggy Wright.

WEDNESDAY NIGHT WORSHIP:  This Wednesday night (7/26) at 6:30pm, we will have Doug Page from Kaufman here to speak in the auditorium.

5TH SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP MEAL:  Our 5th Sunday will be on July 30th (NEXT SUNDAY), the day Grady King is with us.  Make plans now to stay and eat with us.  There is a sign-up sheet at the Welcome Center to sign-up for the meal and if you can provide a dessert.  The meal is catered BBQ at $6.00 per plate.  We need a head count so please sign up!

SOCKS ON SENIORS (SOS): This is a leadership service project that Chris Hutson is doing for Members of Churches of Christ For Scouting.  He is collecting new slipper socks to distribute to individuals in local nursing homes. There is a box, back toward the ladies restroom, where you can drop them off.  This will be an ongoing project.

PRAYERS FOR STUDENTS:  If you would like to be assigned a student's name to pray for, or your student has graduated and you want a new one, then please see Tanya Welch for an information card or to update your data on file.  (This is for North Lamar, Paris and Chisum High Schools.)

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS: Girls pants sizes 3T-6x and juice boxes

PANTRY NEEDS:  Canned soup with meat, pasta sauce and canned vegetables

The S. S. crew is taking a summer break.


July 26:  Doug Page from Kaufman will speak
July 30:  Grady King will speak
July 30:  5th Sunday Fellowship
Aug 2:  Brent Nichols will be speaking
Aug 2:  Blood Drive
Aug 6:  Promotion Sunday

Love you - MEAN IT!

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