Monday, August 14, 2017

Prayer Request - 8/14

Dannie Weeks sent this prayer request:  Please pray for Tyler Tomme, who was jumped Sunday afternoon in Lubbock, and was brutally beaten in what we are assuming was just a random robbery...they  took his wallet with a whopping $15. in it.  He was taken to ER where a cat-scan confirmed that he had a fractured skull in two places and a brain bleed in two places.  He was immediately sent by ambulance to the Trauma Unit at UMC where he was placed in the Trauma ICU.  They are accessing him hourly and repeating scans every 6-12 hours making sure that the bleeds are not getting any worse.  He fades in and out of consciousness (some because of the injury and some because of pain meds).  Due to the severity of injuries, and investigation was begun immediately.  Pray for absolute complete healing; that the person or persons that did this get caught and brought to justice and peace for all.  Tyler is the son of very dear friends, who are just like family,  and we consider him as one of our grandchildren.

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