Sunday, September 3, 2017

Weekly Update 9/3

Please continue your prayers for the victims of Hurricane Harvey. 
Remember the first responders who are already there and those traveling down there.   AND ... The linemen who will be restoring power. 
Next week we will have a special contribution for those in South Texas. 

Thank you John Cannon for bringing the message to us today. 

Please pray for the man AND his family who will be coming to minister LACOC.

WELCOME to Clint, Jenna (Beeler), Wade and Luke Farrell. They're living in Cooper. 

  • Keith Bollman is seeing a back specialist in Tyler and going through testing. 
  • Greg Mayes is having issues with his hip. 
  • Jean King will be having another surgery on her back this week. 
  • Christine Henson fell and broke her arm. Robert is down in his back
  • Gene Stallings - Health
  • Peggy Wright - Health
  • Charles Richards - Has been transferred to rehab. (See blog post with address to send cards.) He's improving daily.
  • Phyllis Waugh - Health
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Harley Lucy Staley - Health
  • Gail Clark has some serious health issues.
  • Loretta Nabors - Back issues
  • William and Lucy Offutt - Health
  • John Figgins - Health
  • Sherrie Boyd - Health
  • Anita Roden - Health 
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS 
  • Troops - Keep them safe
  • Elderly - Prayers for their safety and health.
  • Emergency Personnel - Keep them safe
  • Missionaries all over the world.
  • Jim Bo Thompson (friend of Joy Barnett) had his foot amputated this week. Pleaser pray for healing and for the health of his other leg. 
  • Jazzmayne Radtke, Dinah Border's granddaughter - High risk pregnancy. Prayers for a safe delivery and healthy baby.
  • Wanda Huggins has been diagnosed with lung cancer.
  • Sandy Welch (Kristi Anthony's Mom) - Health
  • Matt Welch, youngest brother of Kristi Anthony, has been told that he needs a liver transplant.
  • Allyson Fasken (teacher at PISD) Cancer.
  • Janet Fouse - (former member) Cancer.
  • Joyce Fouse - Cancer 
  • Sierra Faulkner - 3 year old with cancer. (Friend of Molly's) - Had scans this week.  She got really good reports!!!
  • Jerry Savage cancer has returned and is aggressive. He is a preacher in Sulphur Springs.
  • Tammy Huffman Beazley - (former member) Cancer
  • Debbie Daniel (friend of Molly's) - Cancer
Butch Mills, Johnny Bassett, Harley Staley, Carol Murphy, Johnny Houser, Roy Jones, Paul and Carol Helton, Sarah Smith, Sarah Dene Goree, Donna Mosley, Peggy Wright, Smith and Kay Allen. 

MEN'S BREAKFAST GROUP:  They will start meeting again on the FIRST TUESDAY of each month at 7AM, beginning THIS TUESDAY. This is a time to share a hearty breakfast and fellowship with other men in our congregation.

LADIES BIBLE CLASS:  Will resume meeting on Sept. 6th at 10AM, THIS WEDNESDAY.  Guest speaker will be Sue Johnson, followed by a potluck luncheon.  Study for this semester is the life and ministry of the apostle John, facilitated by Carol James and Daisy Redding.

DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP:  This group will be resuming on Sept 11th at 7pm in Room 17.  This group will meet for 13 weeks.  It is open to all people in the Paris area and for both divorced and separated individuals.

YOU ARE INVITED ... To a wedding shower for Austin Anthony and Erin Korczynski, next Sunday, Sept. 10th at 1:30.  Selections are at The Carriage House, Bed, Bath and Beyond and Target. 

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS: Lice kits and boys clothing

PANTRY NEEDS:  Crackers, peanut butter and grape jelly. 

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This week's entree is Tater Tot Casserole. 
 The groups will resume serving THIS WEDNESDAY NIGHT!!   If you would like to help on a team, one Wednesday out of each month, please see Kyle Jones.  
As a reminder, the cost is $3 per plate. 


Sept 5:  Men's Breakfast will resume
Sept 6:  Ladies Bible Class will resume
Sept 6:  New Wednesday Night classes begin
Sept 6:  Simple Suppers will resume
Sept 10:  Grady King will be back with us
Sept 10: Anthony wedding showerSept 10:  Faithful Readers
Sept 11:  Divorce Support Group will resume meeting
Sept 30: Young @Heart County Fair

Love you - MEAN IT!! 

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