Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Be in Prayer...

Next Sunday, January 28, the Minister Search Committee will provide an update to the congregation during worship time and share how the process is working along with the tools being used to reach out to viable candidates. We encourage all members to be present during this important time and as a follow-up to our 24-hours of prayer. Following the service, members of the Search Committee will be in the foyer to share copies of some of the materials being used to share about Lamar Avenue as well as Paris and Lamar County.
The 24-Hours of Prayer begins Wednesday, January 24 @ 10 a.m. with the women’s bible study and will continue until 10 a.m. January 25 concluding with your Kiddie Kollege students. If you signed up for a time, the schedule is at the Welcome Center and was emailed to you. We have been blessed that all slots have been covered and will be prayed for but we welcome others who may have missed the sign up to please set aside 30 minutes or an hour and pray for God’s direction in the search for our next minister.
Thank you for your willingness to bathe the search process in prayer and know that God will be glorified.
In Him,
Lamar Avenue Minister Search Committee

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