Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Update on Ezra Fitts - 1/10

Sharon Roden posted this update on Ezra Fitts: While Daddy is getting to hold our little guy I thought I’d update you all. The doctor finally came in and talked to us about Ezra’s current situation. They did a blood culture yesterday and it did grow some bacteria. They believe it’s what he had before call NEC or Necrotizing Enterocolitis. Today they did another blood culture and everything came back NEGATIVE!!!!!

He is having to rely more on the ventilator just because of the inflammation in his lungs due to being on the vent so long. They plan on starting feeds again tomorrow and then probably start steroids! To get his lungs to finish developing and so we can get started on the cpap again! I’m here to tell you that God is good!  Ezra Cole Fitts is a miracle baby that had everything against him in the beginning and here we are 2 months later and almost 3 lbs gained since birth. Your continued prayers are working miracles in this tiny NICU room. God is with us everyday and we can feel Him surrounding us. We love you friends and family!  We will continue to update you as things happen

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