Monday, February 19, 2018

Update on Mike Bishop 2/19

Lindsey posted today: Last night was a tough one.
After they put the new chest tube in he was having trouble managing his pain.
They gave him meds and adovan. But the adovan overstimulated him rather than relaxed him. After we got through that about 2 he started to calm down but had fast breathing.
They but the bypap mask back to help and he did finally get a better breathing pattern and then he was able to rest from 430 to 730.
They came in and did xrays and labs
But we haven't talked to the  yet.  ( follow up
Chest xray looks good new tube is working well,  and they are taking out his central line now)
He has had many more procedures than originally planned so the growing cost is weighing on all of our minds even on dads' in his altered state.
The goal for the day. Is to sit up on side of bed and maybe walking. 

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