Sunday, March 18, 2018

Weekly Update - 3/18

Thank you John Cannon for your lesson this morning from Philippins 2:1-11..."The 7 things that Jesus had that we need."
  1. Clarity in purpose.
  2. Compassion in his veins.
  3. Deity in his DNA... God in the flesh.
  4. Humility in his heart.
  5. Spirituality in service.
  6. Eternity in his spirit.
  7. Dignity in death.
Our Sympathy... is extended to Bill and Nancy Partin on the passing of his brother, Doug Anable, after a courageous battle with cancer.  Please keep the family in your prayers.

  • Vicki Humphrey - Pancreatic cancer. 
  • Judy Clark - Had another eye surgery this past Wednesday.  Is doing well.
  • Butch Mills - He is on hospice, at their home. Please call before visiting.
  • Jean Anthony - Health
  • Kristi Taylor - Health
  • Sarah Smith - Health
  • Marg Norlin - Health
  • Aileen Castlebury - Health
  • Charles Richards - Health
  • Alexis Cowan - Cancer.
  • Gail Clark - Cancer
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Dee Lyons - Health
  • Dorothy Pearce - Health
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Paul Denney - Local businessman.  Doctors are not sure if it's a brain tumor or something else.  He had surgery this morning for a biopsy. Whatever it is hasn't been removed yet. We still do not have the pathology report on the biopsy.
  • Ricky Harmon (Wayne Kerby's employee) has been ill for a while and passed away this morning.
  • Gary Oats - Involved in a motorcycle accident on Friday.  Both legs and his back are broken.
  • Mike Bishop (former member) - Health
  • Jim and Mary Ann Newman - Health
  • Janet Fouse (former member) - Cancer
  • Allison Fasken (Paris school teacher) - Cancer
  • Matt Welch (Kristi Anthony's younger brother) - Cancer
  • Ezra Fitts (great grandson of Marcus & Sharon Roden) was born prematurely and has been in the NICU.  
  • Please keep our students and teachers in your prayers.  
  • Please keep our troops and first Responders in your prayers for safety. 
SHUT-INS:  Sarah C. Smith, Harley and Lucy Staley, Peggy Wright, Roy Jones, Butch Mills, Robert and Christine Henson

LTC 2018:  If you signed up to bring a food or drink item to help out the LTC team with snacks and breakfast, please make sure it is here at the building no later than Wednesday, March 29th.  Please leave in the foyer or put in the far right refrigerator in the gym kitchen, with your item clearly marked "LTC".  If you would prefer to give money to help provide pizza for 25 people for Saturday lunch, please give donations to Kristi Lee.  Thank you in advance for your support!

RAINBOW ROOM:  Boys/Girls jackets or pants - Size 3T-10/12.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Cereal - Soup with meat

:  This weeks entrée is Ham and Mashed Potatoes . $3 per person!
Don't forget to sign up each Sunday, on your attendance card in the pew, or call the church office no later than Tuesday at noon to let us know you'll be eating dinner on Wednesday night.

Mar 24:  Foster Parent Night Out
Mar 30-Apr 1:  Leadership Training for Christ Convention
Mar 30: Office Closed for Good Friday
Apr 1:   Easter Sunday
Apr 29: 5th Sunday Fellowship
May 2:  Blood Drive
Aug 1:  Blood Drive
Nov 7:  Blood Drive

Love you - MEAN IT!!

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