Sunday, April 29, 2018

Weekly Update - 4/29

  • Joyce Basinger on the passing of her brother-in-law.  Please keep the family in your prayers.
  • Scott and Jennifer Owens were tragically killed in a one car accident on Monday.  They were parents to seven children. (Ages 24 to 5.)  Their 2 teenagers were critically injured and are in Children's/Dallas in ICU. (Friends of Molly and Webber Woodall.)
CONGRATULATIONS to Stephen and Mandy Gerrald on the birth of Gracie Elisabeth, born April 24.  Very proud BIG BROTHERS are Jesse and Shepherd. 

  • Bill Slawson 
  • Leston Maggard - He is at home with hospice.
  • Vicki Humphrey - Pancreatic cancer. 
  • Linda Hostetler - Health
  • Butch Mills - He is on hospice, at their home. Please call before visiting.
  • Sarah Smith - Health
  • Aileen Castlebury - Health
  • Charles Richards - Health
  • Gail Clark - Cancer
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Dee Lyons - Health
  • Dorothy Pearce - Health
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Dennis Gibson - Was in a one car accident last weekend.  Continues to be in PRMC/ICU on a vent. (Friend of Molly's)
  • Wendell Moore - Recovering from surgery. (Wife Joanie attends Grief Support Group)
  • Bill Boggs - Cancer (Friend of Derald Bulls)
  • Dr. Morris Tobin - Health (Local doctor)
  • Paul Denney - Local architect - Health
  • Gary Oats - Has been moved to Sulphur Springs to a Rehab facility.
  • Jim and Mary Ann Newman - Health
  • Matt Welch (Kristi Anthony's younger brother) - Lung disease and needs a liver transplant. Both are hereditary.
  • Please keep our students and teachers in your prayers.  
  • Please keep our troops and first Responders in your prayers for safety. 
SHUT-INS:  Leston and Lareece Maggard, Sarah C. Smith, Harley and Lucy Staley, Peggy Wright, Roy Jones, Butch Mills, Robert and Christine Henson

BLOOD DRIVE THIS WEEK!!!  Wednesday from 4pm - 8pm.
Over the last 14 years, we've had 45 blood drives, 1,126 units of blood have been donated. That equals 140 gallons of blood!
Just think of the lives that have been saved.
If you've never donated... please consider it!

MONDAY MOVIE NIGHT:  May 21st will be the first MMN!!!  We'll gather the 3rd Monday of each month for a night out at the movies.  Our first movie will be "Same Kind of Different As Me", based on a true story.  Be here at 6:45pm!!  Invite your friends and family!!  Admission is FREE!
RAINBOW ROOM:  Boys/Girls Shirts (Sizes 6X-12/14)


:  This weeks entrée is Ham with Squash Cheddar Casserole. $3 per person!
Don't forget to sign up each Sunday, on your attendance card in the pew, or call the church office no later than Tuesday at noon to let us know you'll be eating dinner on Wednesday night.

May 1:  Men's Breakfast
May 2:  Blood Drive
May 6:  Senior Trip
May 17: Kiddie Kollege Graduation
May 20:  Senior Sunday
May 21:  Monday Movie Night
June 6: Church at the Lake
June 10:  Faithful Readers
Aug 1:  Blood Drive
Nov 7:  Blood Drive

Love you - MEAN IT!!

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