Sunday, May 27, 2018

Weekly Update - 5/27

What a whirlwind of activities we've had this weekend, welcoming Randy and Loree Johns to LACOC!!!
They met on Friday night with the staff and search committee.
On Saturday morning, a skeet shoot and hamburger lunch with the men.
Saturday evening Loree met with the women, as we had finger foods and painted a canvas.
Cliff Kerby facilitated a question/answer session, during our combined adult class in the auditorium.
Randy then brought our message of Unity in the Community, with the text taken from Eph. 4:1-3.

  • Charlotte Grooms fell last week and had surgery.  She's at home recovering now.
  • Gail Clark - Is in Medical City/Dallas for the next month. 
  • Carol Murphy - Had knee surgery last week.
  • Jackie Helm - She has been diagnosed with lung cancer.
  • Bill Slawson - Is now in rehab after a fall.
  • Ora Henderson - Health
  • Robert and Christine Henson - Both are getting around real slow.
  • Leston Maggard - He is at home with hospice.
  • Vicki Humphrey - Pancreatic cancer.  Will be seeing a surgeon soon.
  • Linda Hostetler - Health
  • Elizabeth Shew - Health
  • Butch Mills - He is on hospice, at their home. Please call before visiting.
  • Sarah Smith - Health
  • Aileen Castlebury - Health
  • Charles Richards - Health
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Dee Lyons - Health
  • Dianna Welch - Health
  • Dorothy Pearce - Health
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Cooper Gibson (local 7 year old) had an aneurysm this week. He is in Children's/Dallas and continues to be in serious condition. (Great nephew of Judy Gibson.)
  • Diane Maroschia is a friend of Judy Gibson's.  She has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. 
  • Sofia Schatz and is only 16 years old and has just been diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. This family lives in Charlotte NC. (Friend of Glen Barnett's)
  • Canard and Delores Norwood's home exploded last week, in Cunningham. They both had surgery last Sunday.  Still in serious condition.
  • Helen Short (friend of Anita Roden) is experiencing health issues.
  • Dennis Gibson - Is now in rehab after 3 weeks in the hospital. (Friend of Molly's)
  • Owen Children - The boy and girl have been moved to rehab and are doing well. (Parents were killed in an accident, leaving 7 children.)
  • Wendell Moore - Recovering from another surgery. (Wife Joanie attends Grief Support Group)
  • Bill Boggs - Cancer (Friend of Derald Bulls)
  • Paul Denney - Local architect - Health
  • Gary Oats - Has been moved to Sulphur Springs to a Rehab facility.
  • Jim and Mary Ann Newman - Health
  • Matt Welch (Kristi Anthony's younger brother) - Lung disease and needs a liver transplant. Both are hereditary.
  • Please keep our students and teachers in your prayers.  
  • Please keep our troops and first Responders in your prayers for safety. 
SHUT-INS:  Leston and Lareece Maggard, Sarah C. Smith, Harley and Lucy Staley, Peggy Wright, Roy Jones, Butch Mills, Robert and Christine Henson

If you want to send our new minister and his wife a little note of encouragement for this chapter opening up in their life, please do.
Their address, at this moment, is:
Randy and Loree Johns
6217 Commodore Land
Oklahoma City, OK  73162

A wedding shower for Bailey Cannon and Selvin Villeda will be on June 3rd from 1:30 to 3:00pm.  Selections are at Walmart, Target, Bed Bath and Beyond and
~~Also, a wedding shower for Bud Wampler and Stephanie Clark will be on June 10th from 1:30pm to 3pm.  Selections at Bed, Bath and Beyond, Williams Sonoma, Target and The Knot Newlywed Fund.

ATTENTION LADIES:  If you are interested in being involved in Apples of Gold this fall, please see Sue Johnson by June 1st.  All ladies are welcome.
MAGI PROJECT:  On June 3rd we will begin distributing boxes to be filled for our MAGI PROJECT.  If you have any questions, please see Linda Erwin.

CAMP DEER RUN:  Will be celebrating 60 years of camp on June 2nd.  You can register at:

CHURCH AT THE LAKE:  Mark your calendars!!!  Wednesday night, June 6th, we will have our evening devotional at Lake Crook.  The Men's Class will be cooking hamburgers for us again this year!  Make plans to be there!

HOMEMADE COOKIES NEEDED for Foster Parent Appreciation Day.  Sign-up at the Welcome Center.  Please have them to the office by NOON on Friday, June 1st. 

RAINBOW ROOM: All sizes and gender summer clothes.  PJ's, shorts and tennis shoes.

PANTRY NEEDS: Peanut Butter and Grape Jelly

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entrĂ©e is Fried Chicken. $3 per person!
Don't forget to sign up each Sunday, on your attendance card in the pew, or call the church office no later than Tuesday at noon to let us know you'll be eating dinner on Wednesday night.
S.S. will be taking a summer break at the end of this month.


May 28: Office closed due to holiday
June 3:  Wedding Shower for Bailey Cannon
June 3:  MAGI Project Boxes will be distributed
June 6: Church at the Lake
June 10: Wedding Shower for Bud Wampler
June 10: Faithful Readers
June 18: Youth Group - Manic Monday
June 19:  KFC - Terrific Tuesday 
June 24: Baby Shower for Tiffany Page
July 8:  Wedding Shower for Kayla Prihoda
Aug 1:  Blood Drive
Nov 7:  Blood Drive

Love you - MEAN IT!!

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