Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Update on Allie Campbell -6/26

Update on Allie by her Mom, Lori Campbell:  "What a whirlwind 24 hours we've had. Leaving 1 hospital following an ambulance to another, talking to about 12 different doctors and getting settled in. Allie has not had a high fever at all today and is able to walk on her own. Considering 2 days ago we were basically carrying her to the restroom with a sky high fever and no control of her limbs. She's having vision problems and still in a lot of pain. She's been alert today and has been taken off isolation. She's charmed her nurse and Dr by telling them how pretty they were. She had another spinal tap done today and numerous other blood work. Hopefully we will get answers to get her on the road to recovery. Thanks for all your continued prayers."

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