Monday, June 18, 2018

Weekly Update - 6/18

Congratulations to Brad and Jenny Sullivan on the birth of Charles Ewin!  He was born last Tuesday (June 12th).  Brad and Elda Francis are the very proud grandparents!

  • Daisy Redding - Fell and broke her knee cap last week.
  • James Hanley - Health
  • Bill Slawson - Health
  • Jean King - Health
  • Charlotte Grooms continues to recover from leg surgery at home.
  • Gail Clark - Is in Medical City/Dallas for the next month. 
  • Carol Murphy - Recovering at home from knee surgery.
  • Jackie Helm - Lung cancer.  Is back at home now.
  • Vicki Humphrey - Pancreatic cancer.  She is having a biopsy this week.
  • Sarah Smith - Health
  • Charles Richards - Health
  • Marty Cooper (Judy Moore's daughter) had a heart attack.
  • Jennie Cross (Sherry Welch's sister-in-law) in a major car accident last week.  She's had to have a leg amputated and will have more surgery on Monday afternoon.  Continues to be in serious condition.
  • Shelia Nabors (Johnny Nabors sister-in-law) is in need of a liver transplant.
  • Cooper Gibson (local 7 year old) is now in rehab in Dallas, after suffering from a brain bleed. (Great nephew of Judy Gibson.)
  • Diane Maroschia is a friend of Judy Gibson's.  She has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. 
  • Canard and Delores Norwood's home exploded a couple of weeks ago.  Please continue prayers for their health.
  • Helen Short (friend of Anita Roden) is experiencing health issues.
  • Bill Boggs - Cancer (Friend of Derald Bulls)
  • Paul Denney - Local architect - Health
  • Please keep our troops and first responders in your prayers for safety. 
SHUT-INS:  Aileen Castlebury, Leston and Lareece Maggard, Robert and Christine Henson, Sarah C. Smith, Harley and Lucy Staley, Peggy Wright, Roy Jones, Butch Mills, Kristi Anthony, Lance Johnson.

If you want to send our new minister and his wife a little note of encouragement for this chapter opening up in their life, please do.
Their address, at this moment, is:
Randy and Loree Johns
6217 Commodore Land
Oklahoma City, OK  73162

BABY SHOWER:  You are invited to a baby shower for Tiffany Page, this Sunday (June 24th) at 1:30pm.  She is registered at Paris Baby and Target.

WEDDING SHOWER:  You are invited to a wedding shower for Kayla Prihoda, daughter of Chris and Rhonda Brown, on Sunday July 8th, at 1:30pm.  Selections are at Spangler's, Belk, Walmart and Amazon.

DON'T FORGET:  Our flags are in need of being replaced.  We want to keep them looking nice and flying proudly!  If you haven't already paid $10 to replace the flag you originally purchased, please do so ASAP!  You can give your money to Kim Hanley or Tanya Welch at the office.  Thanks!

RAINBOW ROOM: All sizes and gender summer clothes.  PJ's, shorts and tennis shoes.

PANTRY NEEDS: Dishwashing and Laundry Detergent

SIMPLE SUPPER:  S.S. is taking a summer break.


June 19:  KFC - Terrific Tuesday
June 20:  Robert Russell - Love Is Patient
June 24: Baby Shower for Tiffany Page
June 24: MAGI boxes are due back.
June 26: Young at Heart Potluck Dinner and Game Night
June 27: D.J. Bulls - Worship Night
July 4:  Combined Worship with Iglesia de Cristo
July 8:  Wedding Shower for Kayla Prihoda
July 11:  Love is Kind - Patrick Cannon
July 18:  Love is Forgiving - Brent Nichols
July 25:  Love is Selfless - Brad Sullivan
July 15-20:  Youth Mission to Boles Home
July 29:  Fifth Sunday Fellowship
Aug 1:  Blood Drive
Aug 1:  Love Bears All Things - Jody Garner
Aug 8:  Love Believes All Things - Doug Page
Nov 7:  Blood Drive

Love you - MEAN IT!!

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