Monday, July 2, 2018

Update on Allie Campbell 7/2

Lorie Campbell posted this update tonight:  Thanks to everyone who had called and texted and posted checking on Allie. It means the world to us and has kept up keeping on keeping on. We had the best day yet today. Allie  has only had to take pain meds twice in the last 24 hours. Her walking has gotten a little stronger. She worked with a physical therapist today that will continue while were here. Once we leave we will have to continue with a child's PT in McKinney for a bit. Her neurologist said she is confident that her eyesight will be completely restored when the swelling is gone. Now that she is feeling a little better she is really getting homesick. We went to the Zone which is a place in the hospital for kids to go and do crafts and play games. Of course we go because that's where Van is. Van is the hospitals golden retriever. He has been our lifesaver here. He loves to cuddle. We've had company today and has helped her mood as well. She talked to her sister for a bit. She said she missed Averie and Lincoln so bad and even misses Seth. Ha she will finish up with her meds on Wednesday.  The doctors want to observe her for 48 hours afterwards so we're looking at maybe coming home on Friday.  Yay!!! I was hoping for a little sooner but will take that. Much love too you all. Hopefully will see you all Friday

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