Sunday, July 22, 2018

Weekly Update - 7/22

  • Leslie Keele's grandfather, Bill Loyd, passed away this past Sunday in Abilene.
  • Gerene Taylor's brother, Foy Rhodes, passed away on Tuesday night in Hugo.
  • Herschel McClain will have surgery this Tuesday.
  • Shaunda Burgess - Is at home recovering from surgery on her leg.
  • Robert Wilson - PRMC/Room 267.
  • Allie Campbell - Health
  • Marie Faulkner - Health
  • Vickie Humprey - Cancer
  • Daisy Redding - Is at Heritage as she recovers from knee surgery.  Will be released to go home on Tuesday!!
  • Jean Anthony - Health
  • Charlotte Grooms is doing lots better after her ankle surgery. 
  • Carol Murphy - Health
  • Jackie Helm - Lung cancer
  • Sarah Smith - Health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Johnny North - Local retired principal/teacher had triple by-pass this past Tuesday. Is doing well.
  • Chris Brown's cousin, Donna Brown, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Stromel cancer this past Wednesday and started chemo on Friday.
  • Cooper Gibson (local 7 year old) is now in rehab in Dallas, after suffering from a brain bleed. (Great nephew of Judy Gibson.)
  • Diane Maroschia is a friend of Judy Gibson's.  She has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. 
  • Helen Short (friend of Anita Roden) is experiencing health issues.
  • Paul Denney - Local architect - Health
  • Please keep our troops and first responders in your prayers for safety. 
SHUT-INS:   Leston and Lareece Maggard, Sarah C. Smith, Peggy Wright, Roy Jones, Kristi Anthony, Lance Johnson.

Singers are needed to help with worship!  We are in the process of re-launching our microphoned singers ministry and need people who can either read music, are a fast learner or are confident in singing their part well enough to help others learn theirs.  The commitment only involves getting together periodically to learn songs and singing out during our worship times, sometimes on mic.  If interested, please sign up at the Welcome Center.  Contact Kyle Jones for more information.

PRAYERS FOR STUDENTS:  It's that time again!  IF the student you have been praying for graduated in 2018 and you want a new student OR if you have never been involved in this ministry before, but want to be a part, PLEASE see Tanya Welch to get a student to begin praying for.  YOU may just be the only person in their life that brings their name before God.
 FIFTH SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP:  Next Sunday, July 29th, is our next 5th Sunday.  We will have a catered bbq at $6 per plate.  Please SIGN UP if you plan to come.  DJ Bulls will be leading our combined adult classes and worship time together.

All sizes and gender summer clothes.  PJ's, shorts and tennis shoes.

PANTRY NEEDS: Spaghetti Sauce - Soups with meat - Laundry Detergent

SIMPLE SUPPER:  S.S. is taking a summer break.

July 23:  Youth - D3
July 24:  Terrific Tuesday
July 25:  Love is Selfless - Brad Sullivan
July 26:  Youth Float Trip
July 29:  DJ Bulls will be here to do a special combined class and then lead us in worship.
July 29:  Fifth Sunday Fellowship
Aug 1:  Blood Drive
Aug 1:  Love Bears All Things - Jody Garner
Aug 8:  Love Believes All Things - Doug Page
Aug 12:  Faithful Readers
Aug 14:  Teacher Luncheon
Nov 7:  Blood Drive

Love you - MEAN IT!

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