Thank you D.J. Bulls for speaking to us today about the importance of singing!! I love the quote "He who sings well, prays twice". I've never thought about singing that way.
We had a huge crowd and the singing was beautiful!
- Sarah C. Smith's sister, Georgia Dillingham, passed away this past week.
- Donna McGee was diagnosed this week with breast cancer
- Barbara Dean fell and broke her arm. She is in PRMC and will be going to rehab.
- Herschel McClain - Health
- Linda Cannon - Has been down in her back.
- Shaunda Burgess - Is at home recovering from surgery on her leg.
- Robert Wilson - PRMC/Room 267.
- Allie Campbell - Health
- Marie Faulkner - Health
- Vickie Humprey - Cancer
- Daisy Redding - Recovering from knee surgery at home.
- Jean Anthony - Health
- Charlotte Grooms - Health
- Carol Murphy - Health
- Jackie Helm - Lung cancer
- Sarah Smith - Health
- Lance Johnson - ALS
- Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
- Johnny North - Local retired principal/teacher recovering at home from triple by-pass
- Chris Brown's cousin, Donna Brown - Cancer
- Cooper Gibson (local 7 year old) is now in rehab in Dallas, after suffering from a brain bleed. (Great nephew of Judy Gibson.)
- Diane Maroschia is a friend of Judy Gibson's. She has been diagnosed with a brain tumor.
- Helen Short (friend of Anita Roden) is experiencing health issues.
- Paul Denney - Local architect - Health
- Please keep our troops and first responders in your prayers for safety.
SHUT-INS: Leston and Lareece Maggard, Sarah C. Smith, Peggy Wright, Roy Jones, Kristi Anthony, Lance Johnson.
PRAYERS FOR STUDENTS: It's that time again! IF the student you have been praying for graduated in 2018 and you want a new student OR if you have never been involved in this ministry before, but want to be a part, PLEASE see Tanya Welch to get a student to begin praying for. YOU may just be the only person in their life that brings their name before God.
RAINBOW ROOM: All sizes and gender summer clothes. PJ's, shorts and tennis shoes.
PANTRY NEEDS: peanut butter, grape jelly, soup, crackers, canned fruit, canned mean, spaghetti sauce, cereal, bath soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and toilet paper.
PANTRY NEEDS: peanut butter, grape jelly, soup, crackers, canned fruit, canned mean, spaghetti sauce, cereal, bath soap, deodorant, shampoo, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and toilet paper.
SIMPLE SUPPER: S.S. is taking a summer break.
Aug 1: Blood Drive
Aug 1: Love Bears All Things - Jody Garner
Aug 5: Pick up a sack & shopping list
Aug 8: Love Believes All Things - Doug Page
Aug 12: Faithful Readers
Aug 14: Teacher Luncheon
Aug 19: Sack the Pulpit
Aug 20: Monday Movie Night
Sept 9: Promotion Sunday
Nov 7: Blood Drive
Nov 7: Blood Drive
Love you - MEAN IT!
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