Monday, July 9, 2018

Weekly Update - 7/9


  • Mark Welch and Diane McFadden's Mother, Lillian Welch, passed away early this morning.
  • Sherry Welch's sister-in-law, Jeannie Cross, was in a car accident a few weeks ago and passed away on Saturday from the injuries she sustained.
  • Linda Strickland's brother, Wendall Willis Hamil, passed away last week.  Please keep Linda as well as other family members, Dorothy Hamil, Annetta Cooke and Joyce Basinger in your prayers as well.


  • David and Amber Beyleran are proud to announce the arrival of Alden William Beyleryan!  He was born Thursday July 5th.
  • Tiffany Page is proud to announce the arrival of Charley Isabel Page!  She was born on Tuesday July 3rd. 
  • Cynthia Norris asked for prayers for her mother-in-law, Mary Norris.  She was in an automobile accident.

  • Harley Staley - Is now in hospice and has slipped into a coma.
  • Mary Lou Jones - Had a couple of procedures done in Texarkana on Friday. She is doing well.
  • Gail Clark - Cancer. Chemo did not work. She will not be receiving any more treatments or meds. Her condition is such that she needs to remain in Dallas. Pray that her passing will be easy and pray for her friends as they go through this difficult time.
  • Allie Campbell - Is at home, after 3 weeks of being in 3 hospitals!
  • Marie Faulkner - Health
  • Joel McGee - Health
  • Vickie Humprey will not be having the surgery she'd hoped for. She starts a new "cocktail" to hopefully shrink the cancer. It has spread to her liver.
  • Daisy Redding - Is at home recovering from knee surgery
  • Nancy Jones - Health
  • Bill Slawson - Health
  • Jean King - Health
  • Charlotte Grooms is doing lots better after her ankle surgery. 
  • Carol Murphy - Health
  • Jackie Helm - Lung cancer
  • Sarah Smith - Health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Chris Brown's cousin, Donna Brown,was diagnosed with Stage 4 Stromel cancer this past Wednesday and started chemo on Friday.
  • Sherry Welch's sister-in-law, Jeanie Cross was in a car accident last month with many injuries.
  • Cooper Gibson (local 7 year old) is now in rehab in Dallas, after suffering from a brain bleed. (Great nephew of Judy Gibson.)
  • Diane Maroschia is a friend of Judy Gibson's.  She has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. 
  • Helen Short (friend of Anita Roden) is experiencing health issues.
  • Paul Denney - Local architect - Health
  • Please keep our troops and first responders in your prayers for safety. 
SHUT-INS:  Aileen Castlebury, Leston and Lareece Maggard, Robert and Christine Henson, Sarah C. Smith, Harley and Lucy Staley, Peggy Wright, Roy Jones, Kristi Anthony, Lance Johnson.
A benefit account has been set-up for Allie Campbell, Greg and Lori's youngest daughter, at First Federal Community Bank. There are several ways to help:
1. Contact Carla Maxwell at 903-272-4684 and she can pick up your donation and deposit it.
2.  Go by the drive thru at any First Federal (Clarksville Street or Collegiate) and deposit into Allie Campbell Benefit Account.
3. Mail to First Federal Community Bank at P.O. Box 370, Paris, TX 75461.  Attention: Allie Campbell Account.
Please continue to pray for Allie and the family during this difficult time.
SINGERS WANTED:  Singers are needed to help with worship!  We are in the process of re-launching our microphoned singers ministry and need people who can either read music, are a fast learner or are confident in singing their part well enough to help others learn theirs.  The commitment only involves getting together periodically to learn songs and singing out during our worship times, sometimes on mic.  If interested, please sign up at the Welcome Center.  Contact Kyle Jones for more information.
DON'T FORGET:  Our flags are in need of being replaced.  We want to keep them looking nice and flying proudly!  If you haven't already paid $10 to replace the flag you originally purchased, please do so ASAP!  You can give your money to Kim Hanley or Tanya Welch at the office.  Thanks!

MONDAY NIGHT MOVIE:  Make note of the change!  We will be showing "Where Hope Grows", at our next movie night on July 16th.  Movie will start at 6:45pm.

RAINBOW ROOM: All sizes and gender summer clothes.  PJ's, shorts and tennis shoes.

PANTRY NEEDS: Grape jelly and women's deodrant

SIMPLE SUPPER:  S.S. is taking a summer break.


July 9:  Manic Monday
July 10:  Terrific Tuesday/Children's Museum

July 11:  Love is Kind - Patrick Cannon
July 11:  Youth Lock-In
July 16:  Monday Night Movie
July 18:  Love is Forgiving - Brent Nichols
July 25:  Love is Selfless - Brad Sullivan
July 15-20:  Youth Mission to Boles Home
July 29:  Fifth Sunday Fellowship
Aug 1:  Blood Drive
Aug 1:  Love Bears All Things - Jody Garner
Aug 8:  Love Believes All Things - Doug Page
Nov 7:  Blood Drive

Love you - MEAN IT!!

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