Sunday, August 12, 2018

Weekly Update - 8/13

Please keep our teachers and students in your prayers, as they get this new school year started.

OUR SYMPATHY is extended to Mrs. Ora Henderson.  Her grandson, who lives in California, was killed in a hit and run accident. Mrs. Ora is asking for prayers.

  • Donna McGee - Breast cancer - had surgery this week.  Dr. thinks they got it all.
  • Barbara Dean is at Heritage House for rehab.
  • Herschel McClain - Health 
  • Robert Wilson - Is now back at Stillhouse in Room B24.
  • Marie Faulkner - Health
  • Dorothy Pearce - Health
  • Vickie Humprey - Cancer
  • Daisy Redding - Recovering from knee surgery at home.
  • Jean Anthony - Health
  • Charlotte Grooms - First mammo since her surgery... Got a great report from doctors this week.
  • Carol Murphy - Health
  • Jackie Helm - Lung cancer
  • Sarah Smith - Health
  • Lance Johnson - ALS
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Hayden Pruett - His cancer has grown and spread. He'll start a new treatment. (Friend of Kimberlynn Lee.)
  • Cooper Gibson (local 7 year old) is now in rehab in Dallas, after suffering from a brain bleed. (Great nephew of Judy Gibson.)
  • Diana DeNoon (Tanya Welch's Mom) - Health
  • Diane Maroschia is a friend of Judy Gibson's.  She has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. 
  • Helen Short (friend of Anita Roden) is experiencing health issues.
  • Paul Denney - Local architect - Health
  • Please keep our troops and first responders in your prayers for safety. 
SHUT-INS:   Leston and Lareece Maggard, Peggy Wright, Roy Jones, Kristi Anthony, Lance Johnson.

DON'T FORGET SACK THE PULPIT!!!  Be sure to pick up your sack and grocery list this week!  Let's crowd out the preacher!  Please bring all your paper sack full of pantry items to the front anytime up to our deadline of NEXT SUNDAY, August 19th.

BACK TO SCHOOL SUPPLY DRIVE:  If you haven't already, please take the time to shop and drop off much needed school supplies and/or backpacks to help out some of the kids at Justiss Elementary.  Specific lists are available at the table with the grey tote.  Please help if you are able!  Deadline is Wednesday August 15th!

RAINBOW ROOM: Lice kits, little girls underwear and jeans ALL sizes (school age).


SIMPLE SUPPER:  S.S. is taking a summer break.


Aug 14:  Teacher Luncheon
Aug 19:  Sack the Pulpit
Aug 20:  Monday Movie Night
Aug 29: End of Summer Celebration
Aug 29: Wed PM Speaker - Andy Garner
Sept 2:  Promotion Sunday
Sept 3:  Office Closed due to Labor Day holiday
Sept 4:  Men's Breakfast
Nov 7:  Blood Drive
Love you - MEAN IT! 

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