Sunday, September 23, 2018

Weekly Update - 9/23

OUR SYMPATHY is extended to Ray and Carol Murphy on the sudden passing of her son, Gary Loggains. 

CONGRATULATIONS:  James Ray and Kristy Rodgers and Jeff and Julie Rook are thrilled to announce the arrival of their granddaughter, Emily Elise, who was born on 9/11/18, weighing 6 pounds and 12 ounces, in Minnesota.  Emily's parents are Wes and Kate (Rodgers) Smith.

  • Mitchell Hicks will have hernia surgery at Baylor/Dallas this Friday, the 28th.
  • Donna McGee - Cancer
  • Vickie Humphrey - Cancer
  • Marg Norlin - Had a surgical procedure last Tuesday and is doing great!
  • Dorothy Pearce - Is now at home with home health!
  • Karen Cato got a good medical report this week. 
  • Judy Moore - Health
  • Carol Murphy - Health 
  • Peggy Dotson - Health
  • Ruth Ann Stallings - Health
  • Ed Bullard - Health
  • Aileen Castlebury - Health
  • Bill Jones is at his daughters' home in Dallas.
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Donna McGee - Cancer
  • Axton Garrett, son of Landon and Courtney, had his cardiologist appointment this week and he is NORMAL.
  • Barbara Dean is at home now!
  • Jean Anthony - Health
  • Jackie Helm - Lung cancer
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Former member, Paul McClain, is in Baylor/Dallas and has been very ill. 
  • Betsy Mills' friends, Ted and Sylvia Tongson lost their entire home to an explosion last Sunday.
  • Dr. Steve Marx is in a hospital in Texarkana in serious condition.
  • Bobby Salter asked that we pray for his 9 year old granddaughter, Jordan Frost. She has been diagnosed with a brain tumor.
  • Helen Short (friend of Anita Roden) is experiencing health issues.
  • Paul Denney - Local architect - Health
  • Please keep our troops and first responders in your prayers for safety. 
  • Also keep our teachers and students in your prayers.
SHUT-INS:   Dorothy Pearce, Peggy Dotson, Leston and Lareece Maggard, Lucy Staley, Peggy Wright, Sarah Smith, Roy Jones, Kristi Anthony and Dianna Welch.

YOUNG @ HEART:  Get your imaginary passport ready and let's pretend BIG!  We are going on a cruise!  The departure date is set for THIS Saturday, September 29th.  Boarding for The Rusty Bucket, docked at 3535 Lamar Avenue, will begin at 5:30pm.  You don't want to miss this!  Adventure awaits you!  Make sure you're signed up to attend!

FIFTH SUNDAY FELLOWSHIP is coming up on September 29th.  We will be having a sandwich meal from Schlotzsky's.  Cost is $6 per person.  Please SIGN UP ASAP at the Welcome Center if you plan to be here.  If you are able, you can also sign up to bring a dessert to share.  Thanks in advance!

HYGIENE FOR HAITI:  We are going to make a congregational effort to fill 1,000 bags for Haiti during the month of October.  We can do this!!!  If you have any questions, please see Kristen Mayes.
Items to include:  1 bar of Dial soap; 1 full-size toothpaste; 2 toothbrushes; 1 wash cloth; ALL IN A ZIPLOCK BAGGIE.

PANTRY NEEDS:  Laundry Detergent and Dishwashing Soap

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Lice kits; little girls underwear and jeans of ALL sizes (school age).

This weeks entrée will be Cavatini.  Please sign-up on your Sunday morning attendance card, each week, or call the office no later than Tuesday morning, so we have a headcount.  A donation of $3 per plate is appreciated.
Sept 27:  Rwanda Benefit @ Randy and Loree's house.
Sept 29: Young At Heart "Rusty Bucket" Cruise
Sept 30:  5th Sunday Fellowship
Oct 2:  Men's Breakfast
Oct 8:  Monday Movie Night - "McFarland USA"
Oct 13: Foster Parents Night Out
Oct 21: Faithful Readers Meet
Nov 7:  Blood Drive
Nov 9-11:  Family Retreat @ Beaver's Bend

Nov 12: Monday Movie Night - "I Can Only Imagine"

 Love you - MEAN IT!!

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