Sunday, September 9, 2018

Weekly Update 9/9


  • Bobby Salter asked that we pray for his 9 year old granddaughter, Jordan Frost. She has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. 
  • Dorothy Pearce - Will have surgery tomorrow in Tyler at UT/Tyler.
  • Ruth Ann Stallings - Health
  • Aileen Castlebury is in rehab at PRMC.
  • Bill Jones is at his daughters home in Dallas.
  • Donna McGee - Cancer
  • Axton Garrett, son of Landon and Courtney, has a heart murmur. He is going to see a cardiologist. Hoping it is something that will go away as he grows!
  • Vickie Humprey - Cancer
  • Barbara Dean is at Heritage House for rehab.
  • Herschel McClain - Health 
  • Daisy Redding - Recovering from knee surgery.
  • Jean Anthony - Health
  • Jackie Helm - Lung cancer
  • Webber Woodall - Health
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Cheyenne Phillips, granddaughter of Joy Barnett, is experiencing some emotional issues and needs our prayers.
  • Earl Farmer - Health
  • Jackie Smithson, Joyce Basinger's sister-in-law, has had pneumonia for 2 months.  She's back in the hospital, in Waco, in critical condition. 
  • Ann Levy, cousin of Terry Maxwell, has lung cancer.
  • Cooper Gibson (local 7 year old) is at home now, after being in the hospital since May. (Great nephew of Judy Gibson.)
  • Diane Maroschia is a friend of Judy Gibson's.  She has been diagnosed with a brain tumor. 
  • Helen Short (friend of Anita Roden) is experiencing health issues.
  • Paul Denney - Local architect - Health
  • Please keep our troops and first responders in your prayers for safety. 
  • Also keep our teachers and students in your prayers.
SHUT-INS:   Leston and Lareece Maggard, Lucy Staley, Peggy Wright, Sarah Smith, Roy Jones, Kristi Anthony.

YOUNG @ HEART:  Get your imaginary passport ready and let's pretend BIG!  We are going on a cruise!  The departure date is set for Saturday, September 29th.  Boarding for The Rusty Bucket, docked at 3535 Lamar Avenue, will begin at 5:30pm.  You don't want to miss this!  Adventure awaits you!

HAITI TRIP: Clint Spencer is planning a trip to Haiti on January 4th. We'll have more details later.

RAINBOW ROOM: Lice kits, little girls underwear and jeans ALL sizes (school age).

PANTRY NEEDS: Thank you for your response to fill our pantry!!!

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks entrée will be Chicken Spaghetti.  Please sign-up on your Sunday morning attendance card, each week, or call the office no later than Tuesday morning, so we have a headcount.  A donation of $3 per plate is appreciated.

Sept 10: Monday Movie Night
Sept 12: Ladies Bible Class begins 
Sept 16: Baby Boy Shower for Andy and Kara Garner
Sept 16: Life Groups resume
Sept 20:  A Time to Sew  
Sept 22-23:  Jr. High CDR Retreat
Sept 29: Young At Heart "Rusty Bucket" Cruise
Oct 2:  Men's Breakfast
Nov 7:  Blood Drive
Nov 9-11:  Family Retreat @ Beaver's Bend

 Love you - MEAN IT!!

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