Sunday, October 28, 2018

Weekly Update - 10/28

Thank you Jared for stepping in for Randy  and bringing the lesson from Matthew 7:1. We need to have a "Passion for Compassion" and also "Don't let anyone stand alone"!

Thank you also Stephen Gerrald for our beautiful song service.

Thank you to all who contributed, to those who were affected by the hurricane in Florida. Almost $5,000 was given!

And... we also would like to give a BIG THANK YOU to Dr. Kyle Jones, Dr. Jay Cannon and nurse Meghan Glasscock for your very quick response to take care of Danielle, Felicia Williams' daughter, during services today. Danielle got choked and quit breathing. She was taken to the ER and was doing well
We are so very blessed to have the medical personnel that we do at LACOC!

  • Wayne Kerby's uncle, Robert Winn, passed away this morning.  Funeral services will be this Saturday.  Please keep Wayne and all the family in your prayers.
  • Linda Cannon's older brother, Mike Girod, passed away on Monday.  Please keep the family in your prayers.
RESPONSE: Ora Henderson asked that we pray for her children and grandchildren, they are having some problems.

  • Webber Woodall - After successful knee replacement surgery this week, he has been moved to Heritage House/Room 321 for rehab.
  • Alan Boyd had surgery today in Tyler on Thursday, on his hip and spine.
  • Donna McGee - Cancer
  • Lee McClain is having some blood pressure issues.
  • Lilla Buchanan had eye surgery last Wednesday in Dallas for macular degeneration.
  • Lloyd Usry - Health
  • Cynthia Hutson - Health.
  • Vickie Humphrey - Cancer
  • Carol Murphy - Health 
  • Bill Jones - Health
  • Jackie Helm - Lung cancer
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health
  • Jaymie Spencer-Phillips son, Kanyon,  had surgery this past week on his legs, ankles and feet trying to straighten them.  He will be in the hospital for a while to get his pain under control and then home OFF his feet for about 6 weeks.
  • Billy Icenhower, Ken and Shelia's son -  The Dr. thinks he may be able to address the tumor on November 6th.  He is having dialysis every day and has a drain for his liver.
  • Former member, Paul McClain, is still in Baylor/Dallas.  Hoping to be moved to Baylor/Rehab soon.
  • Tony Clark (local Santa) - Has been dismissed from the hospital and is home.
  • Tim Reynolds, (his wife is Sarah Smith's caregiver) on life support due to a possible stroke.
  • Holt Price (2 year old son of former member Alden Bowers-Price) - Cancer
  • Please keep our troops and first responders in your prayers for safety. 
  • Also keep our teachers and students in your prayers.
SHUT-INS:   Dorothy Pearce, Peggy Dotson, Bill Jones, Leston and Lareece Maggard, Lucy Staley, Peggy Wright, Sarah Smith, Roy Jones, Kristi Anthony and Dianna Welch.

KIDDIE KOLLEGE would love YOUR HELP at their Fall Festival on Tuesday, Oct 30th from 11:15am to 1:30pm.  If you can help with a booth/game and enjoy having fun with the little ones, please see Jill Faires.  You will put a smile on a child's face and have a fun yourself!  Your participation would be appreciated.

MEN'S BREAKFAST:  Guest speaker for this month will be Robert Russell.  Please sign up at the Welcome Center if you plan to come.

FAITHFUL READERS:  You will meet again this month on November 11th at 3:30pm in Room 17. Ruth Ann Stallings will lead the discussion on the book, "Waves of Mercy" by Lynn Austin.  This group meets every 2nd Sunday of the month and anyone is welcome to participate.


PANTRY NEEDS:  Laundry Detergent and dishwashing soap

RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Jeans (all sizes) for school age children and soft fleece throw blankets.

SIMPLE SUPPER:  We will NOT have Simple Supper this, so that we can participate in the community outreach mission of "Trunk or Treat".


Oct 31: Trunk or Treat
Nov 4:  Daylight Savings Time Change
Nov 4:  Sunday evening assembly time will start at 5pm, through winter months.
Nov 6:  Men's Breakfast
Nov 7:  Blood Drive
Nov 9-11:  Family Retreat @ Beaver's Bend
Nov 11:  Faithful Readers
Nov 12: Monday Movie Night - "I Can Only Imagine"
Nov 15: Sew 4 Christ will meet
Nov 21-23:  Office closed for Thanksgiving Holiday  

Love you - MEAN IT!!

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