Sunday, January 13, 2019

Weekly Update - 1/13

Thank you Randy for our message from Colossians 1:10-12... "Live a Laudable Life".
He also announced that Buddy Bell, from the Landmark Church in Montgomery, Alabama, will be joining us the weekend of Feb. 23-24 to talk about Life Groups.

WELCOME:  Carter Lytle has been worshipping with us, since last summer. He asked to be identified with LACOC today. 

  • PRAISE:  Haiti Mission Team made it back safely.
  • Naomi Bassett - Health
  • Vicki Humphrey - Cancer. Doctors have said they've done all they can. She'll be going to Dallas to meet with cancer specialists to start a clinical trial.
  • Connelle Peace will have cataract surgery tomorrow. Hopefully this will correct the problem with her eyes and she won't have to have shots in her eyes every 6 months. 
  • Doris Moore - Lung issues.
  • Joel McGee - Received good results from thyroid surgery.
  • Carl Haggard - Surgery found that he has bladder cancer and will have his bladder removed.
  • Donna McGee - Cancer.  She's begun the blocker treatments.  
  • Hugh and Jean Anthony  - Health
  • Cynthia Norris - Health
  • Jackie Helm - Cancer
  • Vicki Humphrey - Cancer
  • Dorothy Pearce - Health
  • Peggy Dotson - Health
  • Peggy Wright - Colonial Lodge
  • Roy Jones - Heritage House
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health. 
  • Phyllis Giguere, has been placed on hospice, in Sulphur Springs. (She's a former member.)
  • Taylor and Rene Mayes had a miscarriage this past week. (Greg and Kristen May's son and daughter in law.)
  • Kay McMillian. She recently found out she has cancer and it is in the lymph nodes. They will do a PET scan on the 15th. (Friend of Leslie Keele.)
  • Randy Daw minister at Creekside CoC in Greenville, had brain tumor surgery. His dad passed away this week also.
  • Cindy Housley - Health (She's a friend of mine from Frisco.)
  • Kanyon Philips - Health (Jay and Gay Spencer's grandson)
  • Billy Icenhower - Besides all the other health issues he has, he now has a blood clots in lung and one in his leg. He continues to be in M.D. Anderson/Houston (Ken and Shelia's son). He's continuing chemo and dialysis and hopefully will have surgery in March.
  • Paul McClain - Is at home and continues rehab at Baylor.
  • Holt Price  - Cancer. Three year old son of former member Alden Bowers Price.
  • The Vanderpools - in Haiti
  • Prayers for our college students as they start back to school this week.
  • Prayers for our military.
  • Prayers for our first responders.

Clint Spencer came back from Haiti with a request from Laurie Vanderpool. They are in need of 85 soccer balls for the Haitian children. Clint asked that those who can donate $10 towards this cause.
If you weren't able to donate today, you may take your donation to the church office this week or Clint will be at the Welcome Center on Wednesday evening.
There's another mission group headed to Haiti this next week. They will get the balls  delivered. 

 RAINBOW ROOM ITEMS:  Jeans ALL sizes (school age) and soft fleece blankets

PANTRY NEEDS:  Mac-n-cheese and Chunky Soup

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrĂ©e is Chicken Taco Soup.

Jan 13:  CDR Summer Registration
Jan 14:  Monday Night Movie "The Shack"
Jan 18-20:  Winterfest Youth Weekend - Jr. High and High School
Jan 28:  Young @ Heart - bring a dish to share and games to play.
Feb 10:  Faithful Readers
Feb 22-23:  Ladies Retreat
Feb 23-24: Buddy Bell at LACOC to speak.
Mar 18-22:  Spring Break
Mar 29-31:  Jr. High Retreat at CDR

Love you - MEAN IT!

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