Sunday, February 24, 2019

Weekly Update - 2/24

Thank you to Buddy Bell for bringing his small group training to LACOC this weekend! He visited with our leaders Saturday morning, LIFE group leaders on Saturday evening, our adults during class time this morning and during our worship time.
His message was about "The Abandoned Water Jug" with the text taken from John 4:27-33, and made this points:

  • Passion - we need to be passionate about LACOC.
  • Vision - We need our vision for LACOC to be the mission of God.
He then asked the question "Who will catch HIS vision today?". One by one, every member in attendance STOOD UP!!!

Starting next Sunday, Randy will be bringing the messages, listed below, during March. 


  • Carla Twitty
  • Lakisha Moore
  • Willie Mae Robins (She's also the Mom to Carla and LaKisha!!)

OUR SYMPATHY is extended to the family of Randy Daw, the pulpit minister at Creekside Church of Christ in Greenvile. He died Saturday morning at the ER from a pulmonary embolism.

  • Jay Anthony had a stroke last week. He continues to be in Medical City/Plano hospital. Hoping to go to rehab.
  • Jean Anthony has been moved to Stillhouse/Room 74.
  • Pete Taylor is having a lot of trouble breathing and has fluid buildup around one of his lungs. He had fluid drained this past Friday.
  • Johnny Bassett - Is scheduled to come back to Paris soon.
  • Lucy Staley fell on Tuesday and is in PRMC.  NO broken bones!
  • Connelle Peace - Fell last week.  NO broken bones!
  • Lilla Buchanan - Three masses were found and she will be having a biopsy.
  • Lloyd Usry - Health
  • Gavin Baggett - Health
  • Jean Anthony - In the hospital with pneumonia.
  • Laquita Lawrence - Health
  • Please keep Loree Johns in your prayers, as she travels for her job. 
  • Ora Henderson - Health
  • Wanda McFadden - Health
  • Marge Norlin - Health
  • Dorothy Hamil - Health
  • Vicki Humphrey - Cancer.
  • Carl Haggard - Cancer. He will start 4 weeks of chemo. 
  • Donna McGee - Cancer. 
  • Jackie Helm - Cancer. She started radiation treatments this week.
  • Dorothy Pearce - Health
  • Peggy Dotson - Health
  • Peggy Wright - Colonial Lodge
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health.
  • Former LACOC member,  Jimmy Newman, had a stroke Saturday morning. His granddaughter Michelle Jewett Hobbs posted this information on Saturday...While being monitored for chest pain at Paris Regional Medical Center, his nurse noticed a sudden speech change, facial asymmetry and left side weakness. She activated the stroke team and CT confirmed embolic stroke. The fog wouldn’t allow helicopter to fly to Dallas to have a neuro evaluate, so I listened to an awesome nurse do a quick consent and push tPA to break up the clot in his brain. His symptoms resolved and he was eating regular food by noon today. Very fortunate he was not home asleep at 0130 am when the stroke occurred and his nurse happened to walk by his room and ask how he was doing. Now at Medical City Plano Brain and Spine and doing well. More tests to come to figure out the etiology and monitor for bleeding after the clot buster. Very thankful and appreciate all the prayers.
  • My friend, Gerald Housley fell Friday night,  while his wife Cindy was at the Ladies Retreat with me. His face has lots of cuts and scrapes, his collar bone and a rib are broken. Cindy had a fall the week before and broke some bones in her left hand. 
  • Loren Stephens, longtime Paris educator, had a heart episode, Friday afternoon after school. He us also at Medical City/Plano.
  • Dorothy Lyons, Dee Lyons Mom, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. This is her second fight with cancer
  • Bo Creighton - Fell off an excavator and had serious injuries.
  • Laramy Smith, grandson of Derald and Lesa Bulls has been diagnosed with early-stage type one diabetes.
  • Jeff Fowler, Heath's brother - Health
  • Matt Patterson - Health 
  • Randall Cox, a friend of Derald Bulls, recovering from back surgery.
  • Lonny Parson, local minister, had an aneurysm a few weeks ago. Hes undergone so many surgeries and will go through another on Monday morning. He is in Medical City/Plano in ICU. 
  • Jay Spencer's mother, Lucille Spencer, has been having heart issues. She's going to be in rehab to get her strength back. 
  • The Pruett family, who lost their son Hayden back in August to cancer, are asking for our prayers. The dad, Marty had a brain bleed on February 9th and continues to be in a Tyler hospital. Their daughter Michaela will be having back surgery.
  • Anita Roden asked that we pray for her friend, Jessie West. She's in Heritage House.
  • Billy Icenhower - Cancer.
  • Paul McClain - Is at home and continues rehab at Baylor.
  • Holt Price  - Cancer. Three year old son of former member Alden Bowers Price.
  • The Vanderpools - in Haiti
  • Prayers for our students and teachers
  • Prayers for our military.
  • Prayers for our first responders.

WEDDING SHOWER:  There will be a wedding shower for Avery Campbell and Seth Adams next Sunday, March 3rd from 1:30-3:30pm.  Avery is the daughter of Lori and Greg Campbell.  Selections are at Walmart and
PANTRY NEEDS:  Cereal, canned fruit, crackers, dish soap and toothbrushes.

RAINBOW ROOM:  Jeans ALL sizes 

SIMPLE SUPPER:  This weeks' entrĂ©e is Chicken Enchilada Soup.

Keep The Date:
Mar 3:  Campbell Wedding Shower
Mar 5:  Men's Breakfast
Mar 6:  Young Women's Bible Study begins
Mar 10:  Daylight Savings Time
Mar 11:  Movie Night - "Hidden Figures"
Mar 18-22: Spring Break
Mar 30-31: Jr. High Retreat
Mar 31: 5th Sunday Fellowship - BurgerLand

Love you - MEAN IT!

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