Sunday, March 24, 2019

Weekly Update - 3/24

Randy's message this morning was "Why Bother the Teacher Anymore", with the text taken from Mark 5:21-43.  
He prefaced the message with a quote by Jerry Seinfeld...“According to most studies, people's number one fear is public speaking. Number two is death. Death is number two. Does that sound right? This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you're better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” 

I.    Jesus Encounters Jarius (5:21-24a)
II.  The News of the Death of the Daughter (5:35-40)
III. The Daughter is Raised From the Dead (5:41-43)

Randy then had Keith get up and talk about our Grief Class, that meets each Wednesday night. He discussed how this group has helped so many people, since its' inception.  We have good grief and tears.

1.  Jesus again is willing to serve.
2. We are not responsible to raise the dead but support the grieving.
3. Two things that help:
     a. Remember the advice of author Doug Manning: hang-out, hug and hush!
     b. Read Katie Bowler's book "Everything Happens for a Reason and Other Lies I've Loved".


OUR SYMPATHY is extended to Bill and Nancy Partin in the passing of his brother, Nolan Partin.  This was Bill's only living brother. Please remember this family in your prayers.


RESPONSE:  Joy Barnett went forward asking for prayers.  She is struggling without a job.

  • Greg Mayes has developed a blood clot in his left leg.
  • Jay Anthony was released from Medical City/Plano on Friday and is at home.
  • Derald Bulls was released from the hospital on Tuesday and is recovering from surgery at home.
  • Vickie Humphrey is declining daily. Please contact Jody before visiting.
  • Daisy Redding continues to recuperate at home from double pneumonia.
  • Lilla Buchanan - Health
  • Laquita Lawrence - Cancer
  • Hugh Anthony - Health
  • Sherrie Boyd - Is recovering from rotator cuff surgery.
  • Johnny Bassett - He's back at Stillhouse.
  • Lucy Staley - Health
  • Lloyd Usry - Health
  • Loree Johns in your prayers, as she travels this week.
  • Pray for the Johns' sons, Luke and Taylor, as they are working on a documentary about  the 60th Anniversary Camp Deer Run.
  • Ora Henderson - Health
  • Wanda McFadden - Health
  • Dorothy Hamil - Health
  • Carl Haggard - Cancer.
  • Donna McGee - Cancer. 
  • Jackie Helm - Cancer.
  • Dorothy Pearce - Health
  • Peggy Dotson - Health
  • Peggy Wright - Colonial Lodge
  • Kristi Anthony - Physical and mental health.
  • Jessica Preston has been diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer.  She is a beautiful Christian wife, Mommy and daughter of Joanne Wood's precious friend. 
  • Former LACOC member,  Jimmy Newman is now at home. He's not at 100% yet.
  • Rhonda Kittle (co-worker of mine) has been diagnosed with cancer. 
  • Loren Stephens, longtime Paris educator, had a heart episode. He is also at Medical City/Plano.
  • Dorothy Lyons, Dee Lyons Mom, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. This is her second fight with cancer
  • Laramy Smith, grandson of Derald and Lesa Bulls has been diagnosed with early-stage type one diabetes.
  • Lonny Parson, local minister, had an aneurysm a few weeks ago. He is in Medical City/Plano in ICU. 
  • Lucille Spencer, Jay's mom, is in rehab in Tyler, to get her strength up.
  • Anita Roden asked that we pray for her friend, Jessie West. She's in Heritage House.
  • Billy Icenhower - Surgery is tentatively set for April 9th. If so he will go in on the 8th and get a screen in his groin in case there is a blood clot in his leg. It will be the whipple surgery.  If the pancreas can’t be saved he will remove it and he will be diabetic. In the hospital for a week. Then in two weeks will get new chemo schedule set up.
  • Paul McClain - Health.
  • The Vanderpools - in Haiti
  • Prayers for our students and teachers
  • Prayers for our military.
  • Prayers for our first responders.

MEN'S BREAKFAST will be on April 2nd at 7am.  Patrick Cannon will be the guest speaker!  Ladies are invited!!  Please sign up at the Welcome Center so that food preparations can be made.

FAITHFUL READERS will meet again on April 14th at 3:30pm in room 17.  Margaret Lough will be leading the discussion over the book "Angel Sister" by Ann H. Gabhart.  Start reading it now and join the group!

SIMPLE SUPPER:  Hamburgers

Cereal, Canned Fruit, Crackers, Dish Soap and Toothbrushes

:  Boys shoes (any size), diaper wipes and fleece blankets


Mar 30-31: Jr. High Retreat
Mar 31:  5th Sunday Fellowship - BurgerLand
Apr 2:  Men's Breakfast - Patrick Cannon will be speaking
Apr 8: Monday Movie Night
Apr 14: Faithful Readers
Apr 28: Special PM service at Antioch Cemetery, Bairdstown
Apr 29: YAH Domino Night
 Sept 8:  LACOC 150 Years Celebration "Roots and Wings"
Love you - MEAN IT!

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