Sunday, April 7, 2019

Prayer Request 4/7

Loretta Nabors sent this message:
We have had a very long night😳
For those that don’t know Johnny woke me up around 3am this morning with sharp pains in his rib cage area on the left side. So we decide to come to ER to have him checked. They did bloodwork, Xrays and CT scan. Everything heart related checked out fine so the ER dr seemed to think it is pleurisy (Inflammation of the tissues that line the lungs and chest cavity) But with his history of heart problems they decided to admit him as a precaution so they could monitor him. When we got to the 4th floor the Hospitalist came in and he thinks the problem is muscular (not quite convinced it is because of the pain starting suddening & very sharp but I don’t have MD after my name either 🤷🏻‍♀️ so who knows) They have had to give him several BP meds to bring his Bp down it has been way high🥴. He is getting muscle relaxers as well as breathing treatments just to cover all bases. He will see a cardiologist from Advanced Heart Clinic in the morning, his cardiologist Dr Hashmi is out of town. He will be NPO after midnight just in case anything comes up that needs to be done in the morning. We appreciate all the prayers, visits, text and phone calls from everyone. I will update as soon as I know more. 

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