Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Prayer Requests 5/8

  • Ora Henderson has been released from the hospital and is at home. She does have a sitter.
  • Jimmy Faulkner had a complete body bone scan and NO MORE cancer was found!!  He will begin radiation next week along with continued chemo treatments.
  • Chris Goggan, Joanne Wood's friend, will be having an MRI fusion biopsy done on May 14th … a month earlier than they were originally told!!!! Please pray for good results.
  • Marcelino Rodriquez's mother, Amira, had quadruple by-pass surgery today.  As of this afternoon she was still sedated and in recovery. Doctors said prognosis was good.  Marcelino thanks everyone for the prayers on her behalf!
  • Sunday is Mother's Day
  • 2nd Sunday Sandwich Supper following evening services.
  • Next Wednesday night (5/15) following class we will have an informational meeting for those desiring to go on a mission trip to Haiti.  If you are thinking of going, please sign up at the Welcome Center or show up to this meeting.

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